
Heard this on the radio

layin low but staying high
Divorce lawyers are planting false information on line to suggest that prospective or actual client spouses had an Ashley Madison account. I didn't follow the mechanics of how you do this, however, because I'm sure that members of such an esteemed profession would never sink to such depths. :)

I'm so lucky that my wife's lawyer didn't find out what I do. And now I realize that I'm also lucky that the bitch didn't try to plant evidence to suggest that I do what I do. If anybody gets divorced PM me for advice. A bad divorce is one of the worst things that can happen to a guy.


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I found a website that you could check if you're on the list, and what do you know, I am! Except I never had any dealings with Ashley Madison. For a 'nominal fee' they say they'll give me the details. What a scam!!!
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    See this earlier post LOL

    What does your mother do for a living?

    Last Comment: 22 Minutes Ago

    5 Hours Ago • A 5th grade teacher asks her students what their mothers do for a living.

    Billy says, "My mom is nurse."

    Judy says, "My mom is a realtor."

    Then Johnny looks up at her and says, "My mom is a stripper. Every night, she dances in a g-string for a bunch of men, and sometimes one of the men will pay her and she'll go to the man's hotel for the night." The teacher, shocked, hurriedly moves the class along to the next activity.

    The next day the teacher pulls Johnny aside and asks, "Is it really true that your mom's a stripper?"

    Johnny replies, "No. She's a lawyer, but that was too embarrassing to tell the whole class."
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ lol that's a good one!!!

    this hack is to lawyers, the same as the scene in "wolf of wall street" where they release the Steve Madden IPO and all the brokers go crazy!
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    The website you can try was http://haveibeenpwned.com They will tell you which website the breach came from. No sure how good it works now though.

    The thing that I just learned is that Ashley Madison has lawyers too. And they are sending out DMCA notices to site that are using the data publicly. I showed up about a week ago on that site but today it is clean. There is another website that the media outlets posted and they now have a notice that they were served a DMCA notice and they removed the search.

    Kind of good that they are blocking the release of the data as they can. But they need to fix their shit and let people know. They are not going to be able to do this forever.

    on a side note.. I have a new found love in learning more about databases, fusion tables with Google maps. I can find all the horny women that live close by without paying a middle man. Probably all 2 of them why luck there is probably a reason why their husband isn't fucking them.

    One of the media sies Aliana something was a website looking to collect email addresses. So plug in an email address on that site and you have signed up.

    I have heard some horror stories about divorces. A guy I worked with talked about how he caught his wife fucking another guy in their bed. I just told him that was not the time to use a discounted service. Did you at least get free lube.

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