
Lol! ......TVLand pulled "Dukes of Hazard"

....no more Daisy...:(

Who's next.. Lynyrd Skynyrd?



  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    We need more Angus Young and less of Neil Young
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Neil Young did bash the entire south in his songs "Alabama" and "Southern Man" Not sure if Skynyrd was against him or supported him
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Don't like murder; don't commit it!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    TVland is a bunch of pussies
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    tvland almost never heard of it.
    Those old Duke boys will live in my memory forever. lol. Hehaw I think the narrator would say.
    I couldn't care less for the confederate flag but I did enjoy the show. It was where I learned my driving skills before I got old enough to take drivers Ed.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    In fact the police knew my brothers name good enough I remember they called our house one evening asking to talk to him, said he wasn't home, they told me they were going to nail him one of these days. At least I think I was off the radar screen. I blame it all on a couple of neighbors. Some old woman was on some type of jihad against us because she was just a cranky old bitch who couldn't stand anyone revving their engine by her house or if they drove 35 mph in the 35 zone by her house. she would call the police and report us by name.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Supposedly we were terrorizing the neigborhood tearing down the street and making lots of noise. My brother had a 66 mustang. He got most of the credit. In fact he got all the credit any tme a mustang was reported anywhere in that small town even if it wasn't him.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised the network suits allow Leave it to Beaver to be shown

    "Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night"
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    And wasn't there an old episode of "Bewitched" where one of the characters asks a young actress, "Are you a thespian?" And she looks outraged.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Meanwhile "All in the Family" lives on Netflix... Classic Archie rant on gays.....

  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    The Dukes of Hazard is a stupid show and I never liked it even when I was a kid although Catherine Bach was one of my childhood fantasies.
    But does removing it from TV make anyone safer?
    This PC leftist outrage got old a long time ago! As long as people bow to those whiners they will continue trying to control more and more of what we see say or think. Amerika!

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Tech well said.

    Archie Bunker rocks.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Archie Bunker kissed by a black man.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I think the outrage at the flag is legitimate; I share it too, but pulling the TV show was a corporate decision made by old white men who are likely Republicans. Liberals did not pull the show! I think the problem conservatives have is liberals are always proved right in the long term when it comes to social morality issues like the battle flag issue currently demonstrates.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Rockstar, I think it's white liberals trying to do "the right thing", a knee jerk reaction to a PSYCHOPATH posing with a flag. They do this all the time. You don't see this? Can't meet me halfway?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have the movie on my hard drive. I also have a Disney classic that will never be remade because it is not politically correct. "Song of the South".
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Yes it was probably old white guys that pulled the show but I seriously doubt that they were Republicans. About the only major network owned by a Republican is Fox, most all the other major networks are owned by liberals who most likely are not Republican.
    But this isn't a Repub vs Demo issue, it's about certain people wanting to control what inanimate objects other people can see or own.
    I'm a northern guy, I see it as my side won the Civil War but I have no problem with people anywhere that want to display a southern civil war flag or statues of famous southerners from history. Like it or not they are part of our country's history and removing them isn't going to change anything except embolden the whiners to whine about something else that they don't like.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    mikeya02: No, it's white conservatives doing the right thing. Every now and then they do, you know. Personally I may not have pulled the show if I were in charge because the show has nothing to do with slavery and racial prejudice. I'm an idealist and yes, the flag is in the show but that's incidental.

    Yet I'm pretty sure the backlash would have made that a poor business decision as people in general are very aware of the hatred the flag represents. The conservatives who pulled the show are smarter than I am in this case...as a liberal I hate when legitimate artistic expression is squashed by political considerations. So I make a great liberal but a crappy CEO of a cable network.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Them Dukes ... Them Dukes!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Bringing this discussion back to the theme of strip clubs -- here's what I'm afraid of.

    I'm not a southerner. And I do think it's wrong for the state capitols to fly the battle flag. After all, they were the losers! Having said that, this knee jerk political correctness from the left (and yes it's mostly from the left) scares the hell out of me.

    Today, someone finds the Battle flag offensive. So it's removed from Wal-Mart lNASCAR and TV Land. So what's next? Big Macs? My Honda automobile? Porn? Strip clubs? If you start sanitizing the world of everything that offends someone, then there won't be much left. That's what bothers me.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    "Tvland", whatever the fuck that is, sound like a bunch of homos.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I heard in a national survey, most people in the US do not believe the confederate flag is racist but more of a southern pride thing. Something the liberals won't understand.
    I saw a guy last weekend with a confederate flag on the back of his tshirt. Searching through Facebook a couple days ago, I saw a couple of confederate flags instead of faces. I think the whole issue is way overblown. I reada rumor that Obama outlawed owning or possessing the flag via executive order. I guess he may have just made much of the south rebels. Maybe he wants to restart a civil war by outlawing everyone via more executive orders.Hail the king. That's what all these executive orders remind me of. Rule by the elite or the king's decree, forget the we the people part of our country. I think many of these executive orders are just wrong.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Just imagine if Donald Trump became president and he started outlawing all mexicans and Hispanics via executive order. the Uswould be deporting a quarter of everyone in the southern US. Then what group is next? and then who, Same thing Hitler did. Go after one thing, then another, then another taking away freedoms or groups of people, then no one is left to defend you or what you like when the issue comes to something you like.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Obama is dividing the US better than almost any president I remember.
    If you want people to change, they need to do it themselvesnot be dictated change from outside their borders. Let the south decide whether they want to do away with flags.
    Let the people in Greece decide whether they want to bend over and say more please. Then continue loaning them money they won't collect taxes on or pay back. I read Greeks skip out of paying taxes and there is no equivalent to the US IRS in Greece. I read real reform needs to be owned and wanted by the people, not get dictated from outside.I think it applies to multiple groups.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If Obama was In charge of Greece,he would be a star. Borrow trillions of money and not pay it back and have a booming economy. Then have a secretary of state that gets out of screw ups by saying, What does it matter?
    Just put Hillary on the $10 bill and replace In God We Trust with What Does It Matter?
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    "Neil Young did bash the entire south in his songs "Alabama" and "Southern Man" Not sure if Skynyrd was against him or supported him."

    That's actually an interesting story. There was mutual respect there. Ronnie Van Zant said he loved Young and Young's music, and when Van Zant died, Young performed Sweet Home Alabama at a concert.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "tvland almost never heard of it.
    Those old Duke boys will live in my memory forever. lol. Hehaw I think the narrator would say.
    I couldn't care less for the confederate flag but I did enjoy the show. It was where I learned my driving skills before I got old enough to take drivers Ed."


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Unfortunately, someone left a political phone call on my machine saying call your representatives and say keep the flag. they mentioned dukes of hazard is no longer on the air. Except for the movie, I haven't watched the show in 20 years. Only needed it for driver education. lol
    It's been a while since I've seen someone drive by with the same make and model of car with a horn that honks the same. I've seen it though. years ago. It wasn't one of those duke boys either.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If I call I'll say take down the flag off the confederate memorial and allow local cities to change statues, monuments, and buildings as they see fit if approved by the local controlling entities. I'm tired of hearing about flags. Let's get back to defending guns and violence.

    Of course the liberal agenda will never be satisfied. If they win the flag, then they will want to rename roads, buildings and move the confederate memorial off of capital grounds. The flag is just the tip of the iceberg. We got our own form of Isis in state government censuring all of us. If someone gets offended, oh, we have to stop that, censure it. Unless it is offensive to the religious then it's deemed ok by state or national governments.
    I would have fixed the whole gay marriage issue by creating civil unions with rights governed by law and allow the churches to have their official marriages. same legal rights plus whatever the churches want to add to it. A compromise to satisfy churches.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    The actor that played Boss Hogg (Sorrell Brooke) was far from a dumb hillbilly.

    He was from New York, went to Ivy League schools, could speak 5 languages and was a military counterintelligence officer. Very smart guy.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    In case anyone doesn't know it, some churches are offended by the gay marriage ruling.
    Separating the words civil union and marriage would fix that in my opinion. A civil union would have all the legal stuff,a marriage would have that plus whatever the religion wanted to add to it. I think those wanting legal rights just want the same rights to visit someone in the hospital if they aren't related except by law or to pass possessions to someone they like by law because there isn't another way that I know of etc like married couples have by law.
    If governments were not so oppressive with taxes, visiting rights etc, etc, none of this would be wanted in my opinion. I have one niece that isn't married but acts like it. I was thinking she might be screwed if anything pops up requiring legal rights. or her live in boyfriend partner.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Who's next.. Lynyrd Skynyrd?"

    Actually, Skynyrd stopped using the confederate flag three years ago!


    Apparently it's not 100% out of their shows because one of the guys ties a flag on his mic stand or something (maybe there are no confederate flags at all any more). But they basically said somethIng like they're proud of being southern and that's what the flag meant to them but don't want to associate themselves with something that could be associated with hate.

    Lynyrd Skynyrd isn't really my kind of music, I'm more of a britpop guy, but I think it's brilliant that they made their own choice before the Charleston shootings! Long before!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Maybe it's a generational thing sharkhunter, but I just don't see your point. There has always been a civil aspect of marriage and a religious aspect (though some people only marry for the civil reasons).

    All the government can control is the civil side. The have zero say about the religious side and never will. The ruling is 100% about the civil side of marriage!

    If the country really was split 50-50 and the compromise would satisfy the many people on both sides you might have a point, but the country is more like 60-40 in favor and people younger than 40 are probably even more comfortable with gay marriage. "Civil unions" just seems like a solution in search of a problem, especially given that the government can't really say anything about the religious aspects of marriage!

    Churches can be as anti- or pro-gay as they want but the government has to extend the civil aspects of marriage equally to everybody! And that's brilliant!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Sharkhunter,shut the fuck up.You say a lot but never contribute.Stop triple posting.Say what you mean and mean what you say.For Christ's sake you're the punk I used to take lunch money from.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    And the gay rights issues really aren't conservative vs liberal for my generation. Except for those opposed to gay rights for religious reasons (who, admittedly, tend to be more conservative) younger people just don't care if people are gay! I know plenty of people that are conservative that think gay rights and gay marriage are done deals. That's where the country is going!

    I'm more concerned about our country rolling back the money it spends both at home and on pointless wars abroad, not whether two guys or two women can marry!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Sharkhunter,shut the fuck up.You say a lot but never contribute.Stop triple posting.Say what you mean and mean what you say.For Christ's sake you're the punk I used to take lunch money from."

    Come on tumblingdice, sharkhunter is a good guy and fun to read! I disagree with him on this but he's still a brilliant guy! Can't we all be less negative! :)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Liberals are not the one taking the flag out of Walmart!! That's a CORPORATE decision!!! Walmart is a very conservatively run company!! Why blame liberals...they never threatened a boycott, or even protested. Just because the conservatives agree with the liberals is no reason to blame the liberals!!!

    As a liberal, I'm all for freedom of expression even of unpopular speech. There should be no laws banning the confederate flag, and let companies do what they want. I expect over the next few years you'll se the flag on 9 out of 10 pickup trucks south of the Mason Dixon line. And if I owned a Walmart in MS, I'd sell as many flags as I could. I'd owe it to my share holders. And if there WAS a backlash aimed at my store, I'd do what's best for my business.

    My god, have you Republicans forgotten everything you stand for when it comes to business?????????
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    It is definitely a kneejerk reaction by Walmart, Amazon, TVLand, NASCAR etc.

    Though from a business point of view it might be a smart move given a few unknowns (to us) factors.

    Where I blame liberals is the absolute freak out over the Confederate flag that came, for the most part, out of a isolated (albeit terrible) incident.

    If anything I think we're turning the flag into something even worse.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    The problem with the flag happened long before the shooting (hello, GA changed their state flag eight or so years ago) the reaction we ate seeing now is more that we tolerated the racism long enough and now the funal straw was the shooting
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    maybe I should call tumbling dice tumbling jerk
    I wasn't trying to offend anyone so just agree to disagree.
    I won't be posting much more on here for quite a while if that makes everyone happy.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Sorry if I come off overbearing at times. I grew up with everyone afraid of me in school. The school bullies especially after they ticked me off. ok will stop posting.

    back on topic, take down the flag.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Rockstar - you raise a good question about Wal Mart. Their decision is a bit curious. That does surprise me.

    But NASCAR's decision does not surlrise me. They may be a conservative organization, but it's a sport driven (no pun intended) by advertising dollars. They're not going to bite the hands that feed them.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Bullshit GACA.

    It's the same thing with guns. We have a mass shooting, Sandyhook for instance, people freak out and national polling suggests the masses want sweeping gun reform. Two months later everyone has switched their focus to something else and the numbers go back to normal.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I wish that psycho had posed with a picture of Bill Maher
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