
It's a small world

Breathe, breathe in the air
Went to Germany last weekend. Arrived early PM and made my way by train up to Friedrichsdorf (30 mins) on my way to Oase. Got off the train and unusually had to wait around for a taxi, anyway I was waiting around and this guy stands nearby. I utter something to him in basic English about no taxis and he doesn't really reply and five mins later a taxi turns up, he gestures to me to take it as I was there first so off I go.

Half and hour later I am lying on a sunbed by the outside pool with a hot naked chick chatting me up when I notice the same guy walk by. Strange. Anyway about an hour later I go and get some food and he's sitting down having a meal, he point to me and laughs so I go over and chat to him. I then discover he's a guy from California so we laugh about the taxi affair. But I was thinking to myself that he knew I was English so why not assume he and I were going to the same place and share at taxi? Anyway I go off and have a good time and leave him to it.

The next morning I was up early as usual and went for a stroll in Frankfurt City centre, went into my regular café and ordered a coffee, I went and sat down not really looking where I was going too much. I turned to my left and low and behold there's the Californian guy again ! This was weird. Anyway we chatted more and he told me he had been going to Germany for THIRTY YEARS for the sex scene and to visit FKK clubs. Like WOW ! He was a nice guy but it was kind of strange how we bumped into each other three times like we did.

Just waiting for Founder to add a new club I experienced (FKK Sharks) and then I'll do the review for it. Oh My God - it was so good there !


  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I wonder how much this guy from California has spent over thirty years?

    Unless he was already traveling to Germany on business, I might guess it is a rather large sum. If he is wealthy enough to do that, it seems he could have had a stable of young California girls.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Motor, I had the impression it was just for the sex. Perhaps he has the stable of girls as well? He told me he flies first class every time !
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    He was CIA. Or MI6. ;)

    He was shadowing you. lol.

    Can't have people having too much fun in the sex clubs! lol.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Funny story
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Strange occurrence.

    I had one a couple of days ago. I was in a favorite grill/pub. As I sat at the bar, a young woman (early 20's) I know walked over to say hello. I didn't see her as I walked in. Any way she mentioned that her father saw me come in. Turned out I knew her father from long ago and likely she had been at a former pub with him when she was a child. Small world at times.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I had a huge crush on a girl in high school, but we moved in different circles except she was the singer in a friend's band. I actually only met her twice. In fact, we wanted her for our band as she had a professional voice (she did indeed become a minor celebrity in NYC) but then I moved out of state when I went to college so that was that.

    Then 7 years later, I had moved to Chicago and was apartment hunting and this tall, beautiful woman was showing us her place. It was filthy, but a nice apartment otherwise. Then I saw a wood cutout on the wall of her name, which is a very unusual name indeed. I asked, "Mary Smith, from NY??" And she remembered my name which shocked me and REALLY pissed off my wife! "M" slipped me a scrap of paper with her number on it and her new last name, which she had changed for show biz as her real name wasn't 'show biz friendly'. I was amazed, to say the least! I did call her but it turned out she was also married at the time, and she was moving back to NY as she got an acting part on Broadway.

    I thought that was that, but then a thing called Facebook became popular, and my cyber stalking or her paid off even though the crush had by now worn off. I found her page. She friended me, and now we chat all the time which is the perfect type of relationship. She likes me in the same way; we're just 'old friends' now. I do wonder if we didn't live 1200 miles apart what it would be like to hang with her, but she still gets acting/singing roles from time to time and is quite happy in NYC, like I'm deeply rooted in Chicago.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    OMG - I think Londonguy is the first to meet SJG!!!! Motorhead, he can afford so many trips because he's not making a house payment/rent living in his mom's basement!

    Too funny!

    When I visit Detroit clubs I often wonder who sitting near me is active on this board, just like when I used to frequent Toronto clubs, I was wondering who inside the club was a regular TERB contributor.

  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    When I was in the USAF stationed in Japan, I ran into another airman that I went to high school with. We even had the same last name.
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