
I don't understand small clubs anymore??

New York
Traveling around a lot I visit big clubs to small from Dallas and Las Vegas to Louisville and Portland. But a trend I just don't get is the amount of girls, mainly in the small clubs, who are so busy with their phones and friends to care about customers. Why are you a dancer if you are not there to make money? I was in a club in Louisville for over an hour. I had 2 beers. $7 total and tipped about &5 at stage. Only because there was never anyone dancing. I was only approached by one dancer all night and her opening line was " buy me a drink?" I declined but no other dance even said hi. I watched and no girl gave a private dance when I was there and maybe $10 in total was thrown on stage during that hour. Girls hid in a pack in the corner and were either wearing sweatshirts eating or on their phones. This seems to becoming typical of a lot of smaller clubs and economically I don't know how they survive. I cannot not imagine how much money walks out the door because of tjis attitude I walked in with 300 and out with 287. I wanted to spend more but didn't want to interrupt girl talk or dinner and it was almost midnight. Does anyone else notice this? These girls must leave a shift with less thank $50 each and that is generous. Why even bother ?


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Some of these girls lice for weekend nights. Management may force them to cover less desirable shifts in order to work the weekend.

    The dancers may have decides going in or before they got there that they would make no money. That can be a self fulfilling decision.

    There also may be perverse incentives, where there are house fees and tip outs that the girl only has to pay if she makes a certain amount of money.

    Really, many strippers are lazy.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Yeah sadly its very common everywhere.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I hear that criticism a lot but I don't really see it much. I think it's because I mostly go to bigger, more upscale clubs. Regardless of the circumstances, I usually go get the girl I want no matter what she is doing. The vast majority will be friendly once you approach and will put the phone down then.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Like JS69, I mostly go to bigger clubs so don't see this as much. Don't get me wrong, even at bigger clubs, there can be girls sitting around on the phone, etc., but not to the same extent as smaller clubs. Luckily or unluckily, around here, the small clubs are just not worth the time. That said, when I did go to small clubs, or when I go to small clubs travelling, if I'm interested in a girl, I catch her on stage, and when she comes around for her tip, I ask her to join me when she gets off stage. I realize that for some people, a big part of the fun of the strip club is the girls coming to you, but that's not a small/slow/lazy club experience.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Yeah. I think that's a smaller club phenomenon.

    Most bigger clubs, the girls circulate pretty well and the manager or bouncer sends a girl over if a guy is sitting alone sometimes.
  • Holdem2
    9 years ago
    I like small clubs. I don't know how girls survive there. My guess is house fees are low, the girls live off the government and don't claim their earnings. $50 take home on a 4-5 hour shift is acceptable?
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    In small clubs I think a lot of dancers are on their phone trying to get reg's to come in. Yeah they are that stupid to ignore the money in the room in order to beg a reg to come in. Sad.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ of course you could because they'd see you wearing your special pants and they'd know - it's on!!!!

    I'd bet small clubs equal girls with more "regulars" as well as less competition from other dancers meaning they don't have to work has hrs for money. I know so many times I've walked into small clubs and am avoided like the plague since I am an "outsider" versus all the local patrons. Pretty uncomfortable feeling!

    Let me give you a scenario - and this is just a theory... Girl wants to work friday and Saturday where she makes 80% of her money for the week. To work those nights she has to work 2 other night shifts and she works a dead monday and Tuesday. You walk in on a Monday at 10pm, and her regular just left at 9pm where she made the other 15% of her weekly pay. She still hasn't earned that 5% and she's not real aggressive on earning that since she still has to work Tuesday. Therefore she will sit around and chat with co-workers and play on her phone, catch up on club gossip as she's too busy to do that on Friday and Saturday. Probably similar to someone sitting at a cubicle all day at work. Of course there's times that person is productive and times they're reading espn news or tmz.com at their desk. You can't expect workers to be productive every minute of the day and strippers are no different.

    I will typically go up to a girl I think I would like, if she seems distracted but I always move cautiously because I fear she may take my money but not be "in to it" as she already might be a little sidetrack or not in the "working" mood. I much prefer a girl to approach me and take the time to chat a bit - I rarely get ROBbed by girls like that who are not in a rush and devote me all of their attention.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Hasn't this always been an issue with small clubs? Smart phones have made it worse, no doubt, but I've been seeing it for as long as I've been going. Consequently, I usually only take a chance on a hole in the wall place when I know there are others clustered nearby, like in Akron or East St. Louis. I don't know if Louisville is like that.

    I'll give a place maybe 15 minutes if it ain't happening, then on to the next joint. Sometimes I can tell it's not worth it before I sit down. No way I'd stay for over an hour. And I wouldn't hesitate to interrupt the girl talk or whatever, if the alternative is to leave disappointed. But when I do hit the jackpot, all the duds are easy to forgive.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    In my experience, this is not restricted to small clubs. I rarely go to small clubs but I do see it quite often at some of the clubs that I do go to. I think that most of it is just dancers waiting for their regulars to come in. They know that they can make enough off of them so they don't have to work at it. I've seen dancers hang with their regulars all day long. Just drinking and dancing and never having to take them to VIP to suck their dicks. And they go home with a couple of hundred in their pockets.

    If I get totally ignored, I finish my drink and split.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It's because younger guys like me ask a dancer a question like "I wonder what song that is?" Then they pull out their phone and say I have an app for that. Then they tell me the name of the song.
    Or I say something about someone on facebook. Then they say hold on, show me their phone and say, you mean this person?
    It's like a third arm.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If they are still maintaining the stage order, you can start by engaging at stage side. If they see you are passing out money, then I believe others will be approaching you.

    Otherwise, if they are not working to make money, then you can just go up to them and try to talk to them, but declining dance invitations.

    There are always ways to work it.

  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Whenever I see any cheesy small business that only seem to be making a pretense of trying to make money, the thought "money laundering" always crosses my mind.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Who understands women – and strippers even less.

    Hard to understand club dynamics from the outside looking in (as a custy).

    Today’s young people in general seem addicted to their smartphones – you see it everywhere you go; not just SCs – I can def be wrong but I don’t really think most girls that are on their phones are constantly communicating w/ their regulars – I’m sure some/many are; but most I would think are just addicted to their cell ph as many people are outside of SCs and rather be on their cell phones surfing the web or texting w/ their friends than working.

    I often state, and believe; that is starts at the top; i.e. management/ownership – I’ve been in clubs where I never see a dancer with her ph; I can only imagine this is club policy as in many other work environments.

    Small clubs IME often times have very few rules/requirements – i.e. as long as the dancers pay their house fees then fuck everything else (including “customer service”).

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Lack of spenders and/or big-spenders.

    Often times small clubs are frequented by blue-collar guys (or just plain ole broke-ass niggas :)) that can’t or won’t spend much – so dancers are unmotivated to go broke-ass nigga to broke-ass nigga that say no or won’t spend anything.

    In larger more upscale clubs; the chances of there being some whales or at least decent spending custies *willing* to spend are often much greater and thus the dancers may be more motivated to “work”.
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