Detroit scene during the week

avatar for lions2129
I'm heading up to Detroit this week for a little fun, but will only be there Monday night to Wednesday night. I've been reading through the reviews and it seems like PH, Flight Club, and Coliseum are the most recommended. Being that I will be visiting during the afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday I was hoping for suggestions on which SC is the best during the afternoon. In addition, I was hoping for recommendations for night fun Monday thru Wednesday. I have a descent budget and looking for some extras. Staying in Dearborn. I plan on hitting up several clubs, but was hoping not to waste my afternoons. Thanks everyone.


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avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
If you have a decent budget and are staying in dearborn, I'd recommend Flight Club then BTs dearborn. They are so close you can take a cab. I don't have experience with these clubs on afternoon shift but I believe they are both okay.

If you feel like exploring more you can take a drive to penthouse and colesium but they are about a 30 minute drive from dearborn and colesium and penthouse are about 20 minutes apart from each other.

If you want to go downtown to the casinos there's a new club there called legends that seemed to have potential. May want to check that club out as well as its closer to dearborn than penthouse and colesium.

PM me if you need more advice.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

The ones you listed are probably the top ones.
With Penthouse probably the best followed close by Flight Club. Coliseum can be really hit or miss it seems lately to me.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Upscale clubs: Flight Club and Penthouse
Mid-range clubs: BT's, Landing Strip
Dive clubs: Bogart's, Henry VIII, Criket
avatar for pensionking
10 years ago
Just so that you can say "been there, done that", why not hit a so-called Dive Club for some low-rent Deeeetroit-style extra action? Bogarts and Henry VIII are very near Fight Club.
Looking forward to your reviews and details . . . enjoy!!
avatar for osogrande
10 years ago
Stayed near DTW earlier this month, and hit five clubs on day shift--Flight Club, Cricket, Chix, H8, and the Landing Strip. Best experience was the Landing Strip in Romulus. Have a great time!
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
If you're going to be there Monday and Tuesday evenings, try Henry 8 on Monday and Bogart's on Tuesday as these are their $10 dance days. Your money goes a long way then. (If you can stand dive clubs, of course.)
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