Maybe it was a straight but not bright guy thinking your female pic for avatar meant you were female.
For all newbies, the avatar pics on this site used to be much larger and you once could zoom in. So many guys were on this site posting that most decided they would rather see pics of females than guys. I prefer looking at an attractive female as well. Then Founder did away with most of the pictures. I think he requested a screen shot and that just spelled doom.
Has to be thinking you're a chica because of your avatar. Probably just assumed you'd say "you're name is badass so I've got to get me some of that". lol
Yeah – it’s happened to me a couple of times – dudes thinking I’m the chick in the avatar – I once even had a blackguy whom looked like he was from Africa, upload a pic (when we could upload pics to TUSCL) of his 10” black warhead – I must say it was pretty impressive.
last commentFor all newbies, the avatar pics on this site used to be much larger and you once could zoom in. So many guys were on this site posting that most decided they would rather see pics of females than guys. I prefer looking at an attractive female as well. Then Founder did away with most of the pictures. I think he requested a screen shot and that just spelled doom.
Looks like I'll have to be careful when I upload a pic!