ATF not texting back

avatar for jesse89
I had date set for last Friday with my atf. We exchanged text in the morning to meet in the afternoon at the hotel. Before I left for hotel, I texted her, she didn't reply and also tried to call but no answer.
Still have not received any text from her. What should I do?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Move on.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Check the obituaries? It happened to me last month?

More likely she's just being a typical stripper.
avatar for xxxrated
10 years ago
Strippers are not really reliable. If you set a date with a stripper at a hotel there's a 30% chance she may not show up.(if you just met).Strippers get busy,sometimes with another client,or get cold feet. Have her meet you in the strip club parking lot and follow you to the hotel if she backs out she's bullshittin.......................
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
What Shadowcat said.
avatar for jesse89
10 years ago
Thanks guys.
I actually met her twice last month at the hotel. I am surprised that she did not text if she wanted to cancel. Should I wait for her text.
avatar for rl27
10 years ago
Don't wait. There can be many reasons she didn't text, and the odds are it's nothing that any of us can guess. She'll likely text you again when she is strapped for cash. And when you see her again she'll come up with some excuse, that has nothing to do with the real reason she skipped.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
She decided she'd rather do something else. Who knows what? And calling to cancel is something you would do, not what a stripper would see any point in doing.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Let it go. Go to the SC as if nothing happened and wait for her to approach you. See if she brings it up and apologizes. If she doesn't immediately bring up standing you up i'd mention that you missed her at the hotel last Friday night and leave it at that. She'll either act like she forgot and apologize or tell you some story of what happened and apologize. It's up to you to determine if it's BS or not. If she tells you a story and then acts like she's not sorry for standing you up you might want to immediately move on to someone else and save your money. SC isn't that much different than any other club when it comes to hooking up except that strippers are straight up about wanting your money.
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Do what I do,if you don't hear from her in 7 days call the hospital,call the cops for a missing person or call the club. If you receive no response call her Russian best friend.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I always assume that a stripper will not keep an apt, and I always have a backup plan. The things that make strippers sluts who will meet us otc for sex also make them unable to reliably keep commitments. The only exception to this rule is my DS who has always been 100% reliable but there are reasons for her reliable character that most strippers don't share.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I wish I had a dollar for every time this has happened to me. She will have some BS excuse the next time she sees you.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
You guys give your phone number to strippers? Brilliant! My ex would have found out if I had done that. But now that she has dumped me I can do it too! Excellent!

I'm still trying to figure out what the heck an ATF is though!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
4got - There is a glossary at the bottom of the page. can also be useful.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Thanks! Brilliant!
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Hey Wipe,She sexted me.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
Forget her and move on, as has been mentioned 'a typical stripper'.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
She's probably too busy smoking weed and playing video games in her boyfriends moms basement.

Listen to her excuse, but this is not the last time she stands you up if you continue with her. It's up to you to determine what your threshold limit it to deal with her SS (stripper shit).
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
You'll be sorry that you doubted her, you were so unfair. She was in a car crash, and she lost her hair.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
No really she had to go a rescue Brian Williams from an RPG attack.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
I would cut her off forever. No idea what others would do.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Don't get worked up over a stripper who stands you up without explanation or apology. If she's good enough and you want her badly enough, then just set up something else. Stop when it becomes inconvenient. As long as you're not giving her money when she doesn't show up, just do something else.

avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I agree with GMD. The best lays you'll find aren't necessarily strippers with the reliability of a saint. I got stood up more than once by a ridiculously hot young thing before figuring out how and when to take her OTC offers seriously. After that, we hooked up about 10 times without a problem. Totally worth it.

The key is to limit your risk of wasting time and money when it's less than a sure thing. For example, definitely don't pay for a hotel room until the two of you are together. If you lost out there, lesson learned.
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