
She says...

North Carolina
Thursday, January 15, 2015 3:42 AM
She was a 9, if not a full 9 then definitely a very high 8. Simply beautiful. Tall slender, brunette, with what appear to be full natural breasts. (Sometime I can’t tell on the mid-range ones that are not oversize bolt-ons). Good dancer, upbeat, attentive, and personal. Thought she could be a real winner. She says: “I am dancing to work my way through school to get a masters degree in psychology. I plan to write a book about my experiences with men while being an entertainer. I work out and train five days a week. A few months ago I completed my third marathon. I have plans to next summer to travel and climb Mount Kilimanjaro…(Pause)…Can you wait here, I need to take a quick break?” She returned in ten minutes reeking of cigarette smoke. One word to the above resume`: BULLSHIT! Wait – Is BULLSHIT one word or two? Location was The Men’s Club Raleigh NC


  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    What do you think was bullshit? You think she actually did FOUR marathons?
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    A tongue-in-cheek satire of SS. But when men experience a blood transfer from the big head to the little head, there is almost always a moment glimpse of hope. LOL
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    Where’s spell and grammar check when you need it? Momentarily Glimpse This old man stayed out too late last night.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    You should have offered her a good chapter for her book about giving guys blowjobs. That's the kinda stuff that sells books. How is TMC these days. I haven't been for a year or more because it appeared to be in steady decline a while back.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @JS69 I don't get there on routinely but the evening selection seems to have a steady variety. I still don't like the cameras in the booth and the prices. Not a bad night out regardless. I need to post a couple of reviews of TMC and PP-Greenville, but really didn't have any new insight to what has been recently posted.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That story has never been told by a stripper.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    Running marathons doesn't mean being an elite athlete. Some people "run" them in 8 hours, and that certainly includes smokers. So if you think it was bullshit because of the smoking, you're probably wrong. On the other hand, it was probably bullshit, period.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Does she work at The Landing Strip in Romulus MI. Sounds just like a girl that I got dances from a while back. She told me she was working on her Psych degree but lived and worked a regular job an hour away. This was her 'fun' job for spending money and to satisfy her exhibitionist streak. 'The bruises were from a car wreck'. I thought that story was a nice fantasy for both of us and that coupled with her looks and long dancers body made for a memorable evening. If a dancer wants to spin a fantasy for the both of us who am I to disagree. I'm not very likely to see her again.
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    That girl at the landing strip was Cali (sp?) she is smart but she has never been in a classroom. I work in higher education and that girl couldn't tell me the name of any of her classes. I don't go to clubs looking for truth or education but I always have fun asking about the SS seriously to see how long it will be maintained.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Full breasts? You could ask yer to jog in place for one song to prove she's a marathoner. Doesn't cost you anything to ask.
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