
OT: Some Millenials Not Listening To, Indeed, Even Mocking Stevie-Girl!

Was having lunch at the bar the other day, and overheard a couple of millennials talking about the economy. Now first of all, according to stevie-girl, millenials are oblivious about such things, so that was kind of like WTF right off the bat.

But then what they said really shocked me: "The economy is so strong right now... All these people saying falling oil is bad when it's actually good...". How dare they have a different take than stevie-girl. Don't they know that stevie-girl spends between one and two minutes a day googling and cherry picking headlines about how bad the economy is. Especially for young people who he is resentful of because he can't accept being old himself.

Don't these millennials know that stevie-girl even quoted an article from The Economist, a very prestigious and always accurate publication, about how bad the economy is. Who are they mock a mind like stevie-girl's who is now rivalling txtittyfan and RickyBoy in terms accurate financial prognostications?

Those millenials should really just get a clue and realize that they are DOOMED! ABSOLUTELY DOOOMED! Because stevie-girl and The Economist said so. How dare they think otherwise!


  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    I heard some millennials talking about the false vacuum destroying everything. We're totally doomed!!! This economy shit is nothing.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    i really want too meet steviegirl in person...will probably have too wait until the summer when school is out for sommer break
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Oh my.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Well, we used to call such people yuppies. Now after the dot com boom, some of the types that emerged are better described as hipsters. But I think the ones @Dougster was listening to are probably yuppies.

    You can go on and on about this economic measure or that economic measure. It really is meaningless, because look at the kinds of things which are having to be done to get the attractive numbers:

    1. Huge military deployment and use of additional military contractors and military deployment soaking up substantial industrial output, and causing even further deficit spending. Once the military adventure stops, the unemployment numbers jump back up.

    2. Constant need to "create jobs", because labor is in surplus. More and more "jobs" just cater to the needs of the few, and not to everyone, and not to those who actually hold the jobs.

    3. Wreckless waste of non-renewable resources and environmental degradation. It serves no purpose because the "jobs" serve no purpose.

    4. Most start up companies are just gambits for market control. Makes no difference whether they succeed or not. But what they all reveal is that there are not more worthwhile things to invest money or time and energy into.

    The first one of these industrial recessions was in 1873. It was caused by excess production of steel. So there was large scale unemployment and then eventually consolidation of ownership. What was done about it was to end Reconstruction in the South, so that the South could be a kind of internalized Third World of consumers. Then the West was used a natural resource base to exploit, as well as an escape valve. Same thing is going on today on a global scale.

    Each one of these recessions has gotten worse, but you just don't see it because of all the public policy moves made to try and contain it.

    It makes no difference what is up or what is down, today. Because our system is broken. It is founded on bum principles. So no wonder you have people running around peddling right wing politics or religious escapism, or just plain alcohol and drugs. People can't face the truth and those in control don't want people to even know the truth.


    Body Count, Live in LA
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    The American Dream is gone, because it was a dream which gave everyone a good chance of making it. The things people talk about now, including you Dougster, are things which will only benefit a portion of the population.

    Democracy doesn't work under such conditions.

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Not just DOOMED, because out economic system has been broken for a long time. Look around you. You don't need to wait until sunrise tomorrow as the consequences have been upon us for a long time.

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