When that ROB gets fired before I could post a review...

avatar for sflguy123
Last Wed (10/15) I made my almost weekly visit to a black strip club. One of the girls I was with overstated her dance count, 4 vs 8. It's $5 a dance here and I had a really good time with her and she knew I was gonna do more dances after a break so I didn't LDK(well she didn't know the LDK part just that I needed a break).

When I asked her how many dances so far, myself knowing it was 4, she said 8. We "debated" this and since it is $5 per I did pay the difference and she had the nerve to ask if I wanted her to wait for me to come back from the bathroom. I told her quote "You ruined it" and she got the message and walked away. This was my first ROB at this particular club that I have been to a lot so I didn't make a big deal outta it.

I didn't post a review YET b/c I was gonna be specific and didn't want her to be able to remember me. As one of the few white guys in the place I tend to be remembered by the strippers I get dances from and the waitresses know my drink choice.

So I go to the club today and on the wall at the front counter is a piece of paper that says 10/19 Bonafide Fired Not Allowed in the club. The guy frisks me and I make a comment about that. Bonafide was her stripper name.

So one ROB who it didn't work out for. Of course I don't know the specific reason she was fired but I'll just assume it was from dancer fraud. I find it a bit cheesy the way they put girls not allowed into the club on the wall like that but whatever.


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avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
So Bonifide wasn't really bonafide.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I guess she was a bonafide ROB
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
PLs often assume if they’ve been ROBed by a dancer; that the club is going to take the dancer’s side every time.

The OP is sorta prove that many club managers know some/many of these girls are ROBs/trouble and one should not necessarily assume the club is not aware some particular dancers are trouble and have some bad history with the club.

About 2 years ago I was ROBed by a dancer and I was going to let it go thinking it was a useless battle but I said “fuck it”; “no mas”; and first spoke to a club employee about the ROB issue and as soon as I was able to describe to him whom I’d had issues with; he took me to the manager’s office and after speaking w/ the manager; the dancer was forced to give me my $$$ back and I saw her leaving the clubs about 15 minutes later (I assume she was asked to leave) – the club employee had told me the ROB had just restarted dancing at the club after having been suspended for 3 months (OP – this was @ Secrets).
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Go ahead and post her name in a review. She may be back working there after a while
avatar for rogertex
10 years ago
Thanks for the post. All bad experiences should be reported in reviews - be it a ROB or the club itself. Don't wanna waste my time or money when I see a pattern of negative reviews. That's the reason I've visited every club in Austin but Sugars.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"You say your love is bona fide,
But that don't coincide
with the things that you do"
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"Dancer Fraud."

Is that an SEC violation?

avatar for gatorfan
10 years ago
You posted a stripper obituary when they quit before you post
avatar for ime
10 years ago
bonafid...he's a suitor
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