Website For Stripper-Customer Relationship???
Hey, just wondering if there is website I can go to:
1. Where I can read stories about customers getting tangled up with their stripper. Like a forum for customers who share their stories and also give and receive advice.
2. Get tips by means of progressive discussion with the aim of arriving at a sane and proper conclusion.
3. Focus mainly on the relationship and not on reporting the fun aspect of strip clubbing.
Thanks in advance.
Reason why I'm writing this one is basically improving my Zen.
1. Where I can read stories about customers getting tangled up with their stripper. Like a forum for customers who share their stories and also give and receive advice.
2. Get tips by means of progressive discussion with the aim of arriving at a sane and proper conclusion.
3. Focus mainly on the relationship and not on reporting the fun aspect of strip clubbing.
Thanks in advance.
Reason why I'm writing this one is basically improving my Zen.
We're also more than happy to give advice. I don't know that anyone has ever taken our advice, however.
"3. Focus mainly on the relationship and not on reporting the fun aspect of strip clubbing."
I agree. We're having too much fun here on TUSCL. Dammitt Jim, let's be serious.
The fun aspect of SCing, they will never go away.
It's those dancers that latch on to you and they hold on real tight. For one, here is my CF who I have been seeing like everyday now and I think a new story is now going in-parallel to my SCing. I think I know my CF from top to bottom now, I've seen everything that is to see about her. She has nothing to hide in terms of skin, I've seen it--literally--all of it.
It's become like a routine already and this is not it supposed to be. Her thoughts simply come out like she is talking to a hubby.
But we are just friends.
I'm not saying that is bad, it's just that I learned something new about women, particularly strippers.
Sometimes I ask myself why am I having this girl?
When I could be doing something else.