One of many, many acronyms originated by cerahas of Z-Bone fame, usually while reviewing classic Deja Vu North Hollywood dancers. It means to make you jizz, and has been around at least 15 years before "LDK."
The context is like "it's good grinding but didn't KSO," and "she didn't KSO." SO I think "knock my shit off" makes sense. I guess KSO means something similar. More so since it was a SoCal review so may have originated from Z-bone. I prefer to use "LDK" though.
last commentkmso means kill mr kat shit oder
KMSO could mean knocked my socks off
Could also be an airport code
KSO - short for "ok so" as a way of moving on the conversation
Again, need the context for these uncommon acronyms
One of many, many acronyms originated by cerahas of Z-Bone fame, usually while reviewing classic Deja Vu North Hollywood dancers. It means to make you jizz, and has been around at least 15 years before "LDK."
Yes, it's the airport code for Missoula, MT
Perhaps she was a student at the University of Montana and needed money to fly home
Thanks guys.