Phoenix club suggestions
Still looking for an ATF
I will be in Phoenix in two weeks and was looking for some club advice. I have been to BSC and Hi-liter and have enjoyed both. I thought BSC had the best looking girls.
Are there any clubs that are good mid afternoon that I should try?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Are there any clubs that are good mid afternoon that I should try?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
My recommendations would be -
Hi Liter
Bliss Show Club
Candy Store
Christies Tempe has the finest talent in the valley but they don't serve food, the ladies can't drink and the best you'll get in the club is good grind. Worth a trip though.
For pure eye candy without extras, my money goes to Bourbon Street. I have no night shift experience at Christies Tempe, but lone Wolf is a solid info source. It seems that the main Christies on 32nd St has turned into a ghost town, especially at night, but I haven't been there in a long time. Centerfolds is OK during the day, get shift and has very nice VIP rooms with sofas, but there is a $20 VIP cover. Night shift at CFs has gone downhill in my opinion, but I haven't been in several months.
For a less plush atmosphere, but almost certain HJ, Blue Moon seems to be the go to place. Bandaids is perhaps a close second in that category, with a definitely more ethnic dancer crowd. My only other advice is to read the reviews!