
Nevada's sex workers embrace Obamacare

Atlanta suburb
MOUND HOUSE, Nev. (KRNV & MyNews4.com) - There have been a number of critics to the Affordable Care Act but the President's signature legislation is getting support from an unusual source; working girls at Nevada's legal brothels.

The girls at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch say they support the new legislation. Taylor Lee said; "Having this profession, we aren't exactly offered group health insurance. It's hard because I do have a pre-existing condition so I really support Obamacare. I'm excited."

Taylor Lee's pre-exisiting condition didn't help, but that wasn't the only reason she was denied health coverage prior to Obamacare. Before the new law she and the other girls who work at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch said getting health insurance was impossible because carriers refused to cover them because they worked in a legal brothel. Bella Dawn said; "I switched professions and I wrote it down and they denied it because of the profession I'm in." Caressa Kisses agrees adding; "They equate us to illegal working girls who have very high STD's and AIDS rates which we have none of the above. We're legal, licensed prostitutes.

The girls said it didn't matter to insurance carriers that Nevada's brothels are highly regulated. Kisses noted; "I see the doctor every week because it is state mandated. We're tested weekly and monthly for blood. We have to be cleared by health professionals and a physician to work in the house."

So the new law that allows everyone to obtain a health care plan is very welcome news. "I'm very excited about being able to get a health plan now because of Obamacare," said Amy Page. Kisses said health coverage is very much needed by working girls; "We're independent contractors. We have to get our own insurance but this is truly a blessing. I hope they work the kinks out and that affordable health care happens for all because it is really needed."

But raves for the Affordable Care Act stops with the girls. Brothel owner Dennis Hof is not a fan. He thinks coverage for the girls is good, but he is less than thrilled the new law lumps his seven small and separete businesses together that may require him to provide health care coverage. Hof said; " I have mixed feelings. I'm glad the girls are going to be able to get affordable healthcare coverage but as a businessman, I'm really concerned." Hof owns seven brothels, a strip club, restuarants and a truck stop. He says each has about 15 employees adding; "There's one common thread. I'm the sole stockholder but because I'm the owner for all these different businesses, they lump them together." He said; "What am I going to do? I'm either going to have to spend a lot of money on health insurance because the rates are going up or I'm going to have to face severe penalties, so I'm really perplexed about all of this."

Still Hof is keepin a sense of humor. He has extended the President an invitation to the Bunny Ranch. He joked that he is more than happy to supply the President with a webmaster, who can iron out the kinks on the Obamacare website.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Good for them!
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I'm a bit surprised the girls can't get insurance. Insurance companies are usually heartless bloodthirsty leeches who don't give a crap about their clients. So I would expect them to take whatever money they can get from whatever clients they can get, depending only on what their actuaries price it at.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ermita: "Insurance companies are usually heartless bloodthirsty leeches"

    I always thought to them as having a bunch of professional sleazoids like the RickyBoyDugan and txtittyfuck on staff.
  • sandyman
    11 years ago
    A hooker goes to have her taxes done. When it comes to occupation, the accountant says he can't put down "prostitute" as a job. The hooker thinks about it a few minutes and tells him to put down "chicken farmer". When he asks her why, she says because she figured she raised hundreds of cocks last year!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I was wondering if there was some way to hire independent managers to run each place as a separate business but I guess he can't be sole owner at the same time. I see the possibility of a health care lawyer or financial planner consulting business in the future. I do not know what costs are involved. Glad to hear some people are getting health insurance for now. I'm afraid our government will continue to screw things up and raise costs making it unaffordable care insurance.

    It was really the private insurance not covering pre existing conditions or charging very high premiums that caused millions not to have insurance in the first place in my opinion. Plus those who thought they were fine and didn't want to pay anything. The new insurance does nothing to lower costs IMO.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Shark, the insurance exchanges should lower premium costs. Group insurance, such as people get thru their employers, is cheaper than the policies purchased by an individual because the risk is spread over a large number of people.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Gee whiz amazing that people support something that the taxpayers subsidize. next you'll tell me they support section 8 and welfare.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    My insurance is going to more than double: I am over 50 with on no medications, Non smoker (never smoked) and occasional drinker, parents lived to 90. I now have to carry maternity insurance and a shitload of other coverage that have nothing to due with a male over 50. But a yearly physical and PSA test is not covered and my doctor is precluded by law from doing a PSA test until I am over 60. PSA test for prostate cancer. Common in white males over 60 but shows signs over 50.

    'The most terrifying words
    In the English language are:
    I'm from the government
    and I'm here to help.'
    -Ronald Reagan

  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I would think they'd put medicaid before obamacare.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Yea, my insurance is going up to. I do think it will blow up and become an unprofitable business. Then it will be like Britain.
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