Mayorial Candidate promises to give up strip clubs

avatar for knight_errant

Minneapolis Mayorial candidate Jeff Wagner appears in a campaign ad half-naked emerging from a swim to proclaim: "I will not take money from the developers. I will not take money from the political angle. I will not even go to the strip clubs anymore. Wake the f*** up!"

Would you give it up for a $100K year job?

If you prefer to see half naked men, there's video at the link.


last comment
All you hale to do. Is get a disguise & keep clubbing
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I am pretty damn sure people can make 100K a year (while they start young) and not give up super expenses like strip clubs. Isn't 100K middle class. I'm personally fine with that but still....
Campaign promises have never been broken. :)
I won't cum in your mouth.
What a sacrifice.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Hopefully that means he's planning to legalize prostitution as an alternative to strip clubs.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Is that like a state government official claiming he won't drive 100 mph on public roads anymore? I voted for one such guy. I'm in favor of raising the speed limit. All the super slow mf's can get run over or stay off the highways.

If the price of gas keeps dropping, I might be willing to pay a small toll to drive over 100 mph. That would be nice. Actually if we had a fast highway from my local town to Greenville where I could legally drive 120 or so and just pay a $5 toll, I'd take it almost all the time. I'd check the speed rating on my tires first though.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I read a permabear blog today where they suggested we could have a 1987 style crash with stocks, bonds, and commodities all crashing. Oil and gas could become cheap. I imagined it happening but to build a nice new fast highway, it might require a toll fee.
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