I went to Follies in ATL. I saw a dance is going on in front of me. I found something small on the dancer's left ass. OMG it is Band-Aid. How do you feel getting a dance with a Band-Aid on the ass?
Haven't seen a bandage yet, but I do occasionally come across a little bitty bit of toilet paper clinging to a dancer's asshole. It especially shows up under blacklights. It's hard to keep my concentration going when the paper keeps reappearing, so I generally let the girl know and then offer to pick it out myself.
What kind of Band-Aid was it? Your standard tan color or something colorful? Maybe with Hello Kitty on it. I know a dancer with a Hello Kitty tattoo in her left thigh, at an angle. It looks good on her. I've said hello to her kitty. Many times.
Alucard is prolly right but the gorilla ass is funny