
You can't have your cake and eat it too

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I saw this posted on Facebook yesterday.

"Happy Father's Day to those men who ACTUALLY stepped up and became REAL fathers".

This was posted my a friend of a friend. Both are strippers at my favorite club. I know her. Her ex boyfriend is sitting in jail for 20 years on a second degree murder conviction. Well I got news for you honey. You made your choices in life. You thought it was cool at the time to fuck around with the drug dealer from the hood. Wanted to piss off daddy by doing it. Now, 5 years later you're bitching because he didn't turn out to be Cliff Huxtable.

I know we've talked about this over and over but it's still a mystery. Why do these girls continue to want the bad boys but then when things don't turn out all rosy, they complain about the guy instead of admitting they were also the one that made a wrong choice.


  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I guess bad boys provide better sex. I know bad girls do.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    I think too many guys are overly nice to a girl they like, which seems to be a major turnoff to women. Seems like females don't want a guy who's going to worship/think about her all the time.

    So instead, they will go with the guy who may be bit of jerk, but still has a backbone and will stand his ground.

    That's just my guess. I don't get it either The guys who most girls go after has always been something I've never understood.

    Hope duo or lopaw chime in.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    A lot of behavior is subconscious and unless one truly tries to see themselves for who they are and what they do, then change will be impossible. GoVikings, you're right on with what you said.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    I have no input for this, I like guys that are nice to me and my pro-choice stance on pregnancies by drug dealers is ABORT! ABORT! ABORT!

  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    it’s two sides of the same coin IMO.

    One often hears women complain about “loose” women that have a lot of men after them; they’ll say things like “she’s a slut”; “what do they see in her” – I’ve actually read threads on SW about this w.r.t. the extras girls; i.e. “why do the guys go for them”; “they are not even that pretty”; etc.

  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I know we've talked about this over and over but it's still a mystery. Why do these girls continue to want the bad boys but then when things don't turn out all rosy, they complain about the guy instead of admitting they were also the one that made a wrong choice."

    Stupidity & horrible judgment. They REAP exactly what they Sow!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    True that alucard
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Well they're young, and relatively easy money often makes them even slower to mature than average. I got stuck on a couple of girls when I was 20ish that, thank God they had no use for me, my life would probably be down the shit hole if they had. Perhaps one disadvantage to being attractive. You're less likely to be saved from you stupid attractions because the target has no reciprocal interest.

    Another case of a general problem being cast as a stripper problem. If you think most people avoid dumb and useless breeding partners, all I can say is you must never read the news. The genes for dumb and useless show no signs of being bred out anytime soon.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    ibbaicnl: The hard working people that support their kids only have 1 or 2 kids or none and the worthless are breeding like rodents. I had a guy worked for me from a temp service that had 10 kids from 6 different women and paid no support. Each time they would catch up with him and put a garnishment on his wages he would move. Watch the first 15 minutes of the movie "Idiocracy". That is where the world is headed if we do not stop rewarding with welfare the lazy and drug addicted.
    I respect the stripper that is working to support her kids and does not have a drug habit since many of these girl have no skills to get any other job. Unfortunately most do not save a dime so when their looks go they have nothing.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Nice guys don't finish last, suckers finish last. You don't have to buy her choclate and flowers every time you see her to let her know you like her. When you do TOO much to get a girl's attention, it's aggrevating (unless you get that rare girl who loves it for what it means, then good job). Bad boys provide the backbone that the nice guys the girls have met don't have. And there's general influence of friends and whispers of sweet nothing.
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