
'Lap Dance' In A Regular Bar

Last evening I was in a Hooters-style pub after doing some business in the small Alberta town housing the joint. The young waitresses were of a much higher quality than any Hooters girls that I have ever seen. The waitress looking after my table was the joint's absolute star. There were two restless monkeys under her tight tank top fighting to get out for fresh air. I tipped this young beauty very well after each round of beer and teased her unmercifully about giving me a lap dance. After about five rounds of drinks be damned if the girl didn't plop herself down on my lap and bounce around for a minute or so. I copped as many feels of her glorious ass as I could get away with. My drinking partner choked on his beer as he saw what I was doing.

I poked a $100 bill in her bounteous cleavage in appreciation of this totally unexpected pleasure. Any similar experiences for any of you guys?


  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Damn, art, I'll do that for you for a $50!
  • samsung1
    11 years ago

    I read that in Portland a lot of the strip clubs are restaurants that happen to have a small stage off in the corner.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "two restless monkeys"

    Classic, Art. You're in a class with Hemingway.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    "copped a feel"...lol, that's a very British saying !
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    " Any similar experiences for any of you guys?"

    In my neck of the "Woods", that would likely land me in jail. LOL
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Art-I love your writing style. Penmanship of the utmost quality.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @londonguy: wrt "copping a feel", that was pretty common where I grew up in the 60's and 70's as well.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ GMD: I remember that pretty well, too. I recall there's a Gene Wilder movie where he attempts some mild hanky-panky with a young, pretty girl and she responds with, "Didst thou not just cop a feel?"

    I tried to look up the movie, but couldn't find it. Anyone out there know which movie?

  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    GOOD JOB, ART !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    Not quite the same experience but I did get an unexpected lap dance and extras from a waitress at BT's, a well known SC in Dearborn, MI. This was her second day as a waitress at BT's and she was the hottest thing in the club. I started teasing her about giving up waitress work in favor of lap dancing. She said that she'd thought about it. I asked her if she know that BT's was noted for extras and she said yes. The club was slow so she asked the manager if she could do a lapdance for a customer. I had to pay extra to the club so that she could take some time off from her waitress work. She started off a bit shy and eventually got into the lap dance, including some extra curricular activities.

  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Art - Since I quit drinking, I wouldn't have the courage to try any thing like that. :)
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    So true, shadowcat.

    Sober, I am a bold and forward guy.

    Drinking, even more so; often to the point of getting myself in trouble.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Great story art. Did you take her for otc?
  • farmerart
    11 years ago

    Nope, crazyjoe.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't want to get a LD at the Hooters in Toledo. My lap isn't built to hold that much weight.
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