I did a Spring tour of strip clubs recently, visiting some that aren't my regular haunts and heard some interesting stories. One had been kicked out of her place and all her stuff dumped by the side of the road, one had a dui hearing early the next morning, one had been kicked out and was living in a motel, one got suspended for smoking weed in the dressing room, one got fired because she left a condom in the vip, one had 3 kids all living with relatives because she couldn't take care of them. The topper is I met the ugliest stripper I have ever seen, obviously on something. She could not have weighed 75 pounds, hollow cheeks, big ears..she looked like something out of a Harry Potter movie.
Not all was lost however, as I met 2 or 3 very pretty intersting dancers, including one who had the longest, hardest nipples I have ever seen..and they were on a pair of B cups!
Stripper: "Woe is me." Translation: "Need money. Please pay for no reason." Stupid Customer: "Here is some money for no reason." Intelligent Customer: "I have some money. You can have it. FOR THE RIGHT REASON."
@shadowcat...a couple of the stories involved South Carolina strippers
One of them who had my #, texted me asking for $, which I deftly avoided. I've heard them all before myself, just not so many back to back. None of them offered anything extra ordinary for my assistance. Maybe it's time I took a break?
I heard a new one. Someone's kid actually drowned in the swimming pool. Dancer told me the kid had turned blue and died. Then she woke up. Must have been a miracle. I decided not to ask too many questions.
Human sexuality is a crazy thing. Most of us seem to have sexual "kinks" that serve no practical purpose, and complicate our lives. In a free society, I don't see any practical alternate except mutual toleration of each other's "kinks", as long as they don't cause any clear harm to others.
On this board, and in general, it seems to be a common "kink" that sex is more arousing if it's associated with nasty, sleazy behavior. Frankly, I think many of you have this kink. You are drawn to (and generally only interact with) the more messed-up dancers. And that's why you have such a negative stereotype of dancers, and have to deal frequently with the highly annoying behavior you're describing here. I do not share this kink. To me, a big part of the attractiveness of a dancer like Duo is that she is the exact opposite of nasty and sleazy. For me, it's not normal to be constantly dealing with dancer money grubber, or dancers on the verge of self-destruction, as it seems to be for many.
As I said, I don't believe in judging or feeling better than anyone due to this sort of kink. I would just suggest that associating sex with nastiness and sleaze may be a reminent of an antiquated value system you long ago rejected. So maybe a little soul-searching could lead to a more sex-positive attitude. And a more enjoyable clubbing experience.
“… On this board, and in general, it seems to be a common "kink" that sex is more arousing if it's associated with nasty, sleazy behavior. Frankly, I think many of you have this kink. You are drawn to (and generally only interact with) the more messed-up dancers …â€
It’s been said that when women think of sex; they think of a romance novel – when men thing of sex; they think of a porno
One can’t absolutely generalize of course; but IMO men can have (and will have) sex w/o romance where perhaps “most†women will not.
I don’t think most custies necessarily seek out the “messed-up dancers†– they are just the ones that will more often give us what we immediately want/need w/ the least resistance and hassle
Not trying to say my opinions are facts – just my 2 cents.
@Papi to those who say the reason they are stuck with the messed up dancers is because those are the ones who will be an escort rather than simply a lap dancer, you should at least try date-check.com and preferred411.com .
I've known many a dancer who was in the Kim Kardashian ballpark looks-wise, didn't grub for money, wasn't self-destructive, and gave a good lap dance with good two-way contact.
last commentTranslation: "Need money. Please pay for no reason."
Stupid Customer: "Here is some money for no reason."
Intelligent Customer: "I have some money. You can have it. FOR THE RIGHT REASON."
One of them who had my #, texted me asking for $, which I deftly avoided. I've heard them all before myself, just not so many back to back. None of them offered anything extra ordinary for my assistance. Maybe it's time I took a break?
On this board, and in general, it seems to be a common "kink" that sex is more arousing if it's associated with nasty, sleazy behavior. Frankly, I think many of you have this kink. You are drawn to (and generally only interact with) the more messed-up dancers. And that's why you have such a negative stereotype of dancers, and have to deal frequently with the highly annoying behavior you're describing here. I do not share this kink. To me, a big part of the attractiveness of a dancer like Duo is that she is the exact opposite of nasty and sleazy. For me, it's not normal to be constantly dealing with dancer money grubber, or dancers on the verge of self-destruction, as it seems to be for many.
As I said, I don't believe in judging or feeling better than anyone due to this sort of kink. I would just suggest that associating sex with nastiness and sleaze may be a reminent of an antiquated value system you long ago rejected. So maybe a little soul-searching could lead to a more sex-positive attitude. And a more enjoyable clubbing experience.
It’s been said that when women think of sex; they think of a romance novel – when men thing of sex; they think of a porno
One can’t absolutely generalize of course; but IMO men can have (and will have) sex w/o romance where perhaps “most†women will not.
I don’t think most custies necessarily seek out the “messed-up dancers†– they are just the ones that will more often give us what we immediately want/need w/ the least resistance and hassle
Not trying to say my opinions are facts – just my 2 cents.
I've known many a dancer who was in the Kim Kardashian ballpark looks-wise, didn't grub for money, wasn't self-destructive, and gave a good lap dance with good two-way contact.