Stopping masturbation several days before a strip club visit

avatar for bman77
I've found that lapdances are much more enjoyable when I take a few days off from jerking off prior to a strip club visit. Get's things nice and charged up. Anyone else purposely try to hold off from this starting a few days before your next club visit?


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avatar for rizzle01
12 years ago
I have mixed sentiments. Yes, it makes the SC experience a little more fun but it can also prove hazardous to my wallet. Sometimes I do the reverse and jo before I go so I won't spend to much money on dances. Then I can enjoy the alcohol and stage show.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Hells yes
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
It helps but you walk away from club so horny unless extras girl provides relief. I truly believe extras girls gods little gift to SC hobbyists. The one I have been seeing 5 yr well they designed her especially for it at the factory. I believed they processed my purchase order when she was produced.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Several days? I'd rather fuck a local girl than wait several days. If you're young and horny, you might end up with a mess in your pants if you went one day without any relief after one dance.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
There is no reason, EVER, to stop masturbating. The end.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Ive never thought about this really. I dont think it matters unless youre an old dude who has trouble getting it done, or a young guy for that matter. I dont really wank it as often now, since I know I can go get at leasy a hand job down the street at my local club. Its much more enjoyable than doing it myself. Added bonus my dogs arent staring at me while I do it. Plus I usually get off at least twice during an hour vip session.
avatar for synxide
12 years ago
Of course. I spank it so I'm not constantly distracted with thoughts of burying it, but when I'm actually in the mood for slumming, I want to be wound up. A couple days is usually plenty. I'm not so sensitive as to be afraid of jizzing from a lap dance.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I've never JO'd before so I guess it feels good all the time. Though not enough to blow a load (thankfully, as I like my pants)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Good arguments on both sides IMO.

Most times I’m “charged up” I do enjoy my SC outing more – but as others have mentioned – I also tend to spend more $$$ - and I am also tempted to get dances from dancers I may o/w not.

What I *have* noticed is that if I go on a slap the monkey marathon – I am much less inclined to want to SC.

I have also noticed that if I watch some good porn on a particular day – then I am more inclined to want to SC even if I slapped the monkey the day before.

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