Just a "survey"...
Papi_Chulo has a topic up, "I'll Give You Half the Next Song". This got me to thinking. Yes I know, me, thinking, scary! Anyway. When we go to VIP, we rent the room for X amount of time. How would you feel if the LD area was handled the same way. Let's say for arguments sake, the average song is 3 minutes, and the dances are $20 a song. Make it about $6.50 a minute.
So would you prefer to forget about counting songs, length of songs, starting in the middle of songs, etc., and just say for 10 minutes pay $65? That is nearing the cost of VIP, but the dancer is included, whereas she isn't in the cost of a VIP room.
Maybe the bouncer could give you a tamper proof, set egg timer when you enter the LD area. :)
So would you prefer to forget about counting songs, length of songs, starting in the middle of songs, etc., and just say for 10 minutes pay $65? That is nearing the cost of VIP, but the dancer is included, whereas she isn't in the cost of a VIP room.
Maybe the bouncer could give you a tamper proof, set egg timer when you enter the LD area. :)
"Half the next song" sounds like the gal is a Rip Off Bitch. I would offer her $100 for FS in VIP or else she could get lost. Frankly I bet she would not be worth $60 as fuck.....
You need to find a girl who plays at a fair price say $150 itc. I would also shop on a SD site as I have had $100 pop from them. Spend $65 in ViP for some dances? Are you fx kidding me? I have my 31 yo blonde atf of about five years at motel tomorrow in white bikini (I bought her) then fucking her for $100! She was texting me today to set up meeting.
Don't let a rip off bitch play you.
The best of each. Not a bad idea.
Even at $1500, still a lot less expensive than a SO. :)