Single best SC visit of your life

What was your best visit to the club? We're you high roller? Did you meet that stunner you've Always dreamed of? Here's mine:
Alright first some backdrop, I had recently gone to the club with my normal 300-500 dollar limit and had my normal good time with drinks, table dances, several lap dances, and finally the half hour dance with whichever lady I preferred that night (usually ends in a BJ if I tip good)
So I got home and reflected on my good time and thought to myself, "Man I'd like to go in there one night and go all out, be that High Roller." So I did. Granted I spent the next 2 and 1/2 months saving for this one night. I'm 21, single and have a decent paying full time job. So if I clock some serious overtime I can really put it away. Well lucky for me we had just hit busy season in the warehouse so I volunteered every night.
NOTE: I don't recommend doing this if you have a family to provide for or are trying to be responsible with your money. I worked my ass off with the one intention of blowing $3000 dollars in the club. Also I prefer going to the strip club alone, I want to see and feel girls, not talk to friends I see all the time.
Night Begins: $3000 cash in hand all Benjamin's. Dressed in 200 dollar suit. Time is 10:30pm Friday so fairly busy night. A couple dancers eyeball the suit when I walk in but that's the only out of ordinary attention I get. I walk up to the bar and order a bottle of the 50 dollar champagne.(OK so not ALL out but I normally get beer, and the expensive one is $800 and they never sell any of them.) as I pay for the bottle I ask the bartender if I can get change for some hundred dollar bills. I tell her u want $300 dollars in ones and 500 dollars in 20s flashing my stash of hundos as I count out $800. She pulls out three stacks of wrapped ones and by the time she is done counting out the twenties every dancer within thirty feet is eyeball screwing me and I know I'm in for some fun.
I take my money and go find a secluded table to sit at. Somebody must have told the manager about the cash I was carrying because not thirty seconds after I sit down does he come over and introduce himself. He offers me a table at what the club calls the" Elbow room". Good view of the poles and stage and has its own pole for inviting dancers. Security watches your things for you if you want a private or need to pop outside for a cigarette. You normally have to call ahead to reserve it for the night for like $300. Basically it's the "bachelor party" room. However he offered it to me for $125 since no one had reserved tonight. I decided why not and had him take me back there.
Before leaving me he told me feel free to go up to the bar and stage if I want to tip the girls dancing my jacket drinks and items would be safe and that if there were any particular girls I liked that I could usually find him by the DJ booth and he would make sure I was their first priority.
I did really like two of the girls on stage at the moment so I decided to make it rain. I took one stack of the 100 dollar bills to the stage and motioned for one of them. She came over did her little stage dance/lapdance for my 5 dollar tip when she was done I told her if she and the other girl I liked on stage dance together I would make it rain. Her name was Angel and the others was Belle. Angel told me that her and Belle would love to do a lesbian tease dance on stage if I was game.
I was.
They started with just lightly touching and dancing into each other and by the time I was done making it rain angel was straddling belle making out nipple sucking it was great. The stage was covered in money not all of it from me. It just got more intense with every bill thrown. Now I needed a cigarette as angel and belle went into the back. Outside smoking a cigarette with about ten other customers talking about what just happened(outside security, and there's always a cop there, so no worries of getting robbed) everybody's thanking me for putting that together and wishing they would do it more often and how I should invite them to the back room and party with them. I told em no thanks and finished my cigarette. When I got back in the manager was waiting by my table to see how I was doing and if there were any girls he could send my way. And that's when I thought of it.
The competition
I of course told him Angel and Belle, and two other absolute drive you crazy sexy girls I pointed out to him. I mean these last two girls were the hottest girls in the bar. Their names were Celeste and Kitty. I told him to send them one at a time for private dances and whoever danced the best would earn a VIP with me. The manager laughed and said he would tell them. I tipped him another twenty and ordered more champagne to share with the ladies. He sent both angel and Belle first as Celeste and kitty were both doing lapdances for other customers at the moment. They both were very aggressive and extra attentive to my manhood, all the while whispering how they desperately wanted me to go VIP with them and how I would never forget it.
After Belle is done I return to my table to find Celeste in Kitty's lap making out while kitty hand is rubbing under Celeste's bikini. As I pass them to sit tip and watch some more Celeste grabs my crotch and let's out the most heavenly moan as kitty rubs her. Kitty tells me,"we'd like to show you a real lesbian show in the VIP" I immediately caved without getting private dances first. I paid an hour for both totaling $600 just to get them back there. As soon as the door was shut they began having sex. Celeste motions for me to come over. She told me that if I spent another hundred on each that I could have them but if I did two hundred each that it would be unforgettable.
I dropped that extra $400
We did so many positions in 45 minutes it was the single most incredible sex I have ever had. We only had 15 minutes left and they both got on their knees so share a BJ. They told me to let them know when I was close that they had a trick for so I could bust on their faces. They shared it like you wouldn't believe all the while staring up at me with those eyes and fingering each other. I could feel it coming on so I told them it was about to happen. Celeste quickly deep throated me and as she was coming back up grabbed the condom tip with her teeth and pulled it straight off. Kitty immediately started jerking me aiming at there faces. When I was done making a mess they licked it all off each other and helped wipe me down with some napkins. I tipped the each another 50. And went out for a smoke.
I had approximately 1100 dollars left and it was about 1:00am I got some more privates from a few more girls who caught my eye and I'm quickly recovered hard as a rock again. But my thoughts keep returning to Celeste and I keep looking at her and she keeps winking every time we make eye contact. I know same girl twice but she was great. I had the manager go get her for another hour VIP. By this time I've had a few drinks and start asking for no condom. I know I know not wise but I was drunk. She kept telling me no no no there was no price for that. So I gave up. Now the VIP was scheduled to end at 2:40 so I just started throwing my money at her. Club closes at 3:00. As she starts realizing how much money I'm throwing she leans in and says she will suck me off with no condom and let me bust anywhere on her but no fucking without it. So when I'm ready to stop banging her I took it off. She laid me on the couch and asked if I wanted to 69. As we were I let her know I was about to pop. She pulled me up and started deep throat ing me. I popped in her mouth and she swallowed all of it.
At 2:40 I have 125 dollars left. Celeste sat in my lap and helped finish my champagne until it was time to close. Celeste gave me her number said she would meet me OTC anytime. I tipped the DJ doorman and manager so I had $0 and left. Best club visit ever and didn't catch anything from Celeste.
Well that was a long story. Now that I've told you mine, what's yours?
last commentGreat story, well-written. You should post this as an article and get one month's VIP access.
Holy Fucking Shit! 3000 bucks for one night! That's insane! I don't think I would ever do that. I'm glad you had fun though. I'm a young guy like you, we need more young people on TUSCL. Just write some reviews and you will be welcomed with open arms to the TUSCL family.
As far as my best visit, it started with me seeing the hottest stripper I had ever seen in my life, got her number, dated her for 4 months. Best 4 month period of sex I've ever had!
Yeah it was a lot of money that I probably could've done a lot of other things with.. Ehh fuck it I had fun. Now I can imagine how those celebrities feel every night lol. I've never dated a stripper before. I heard its more expensive than seeing her in the club
"Ehh fuck it I had fun"
Good attitude. I feel the same way when someone questions my gambling in Vegas or going on a foreign vacation. Do it while you're young and don't have to spend it on other shit. Though I would suggest that with 3K you could probably find something more substantive than a wild night at the strip club ;)
yeah I was thinking the same thing, jester. To each their own but I can think of much better things to do with 3k than a SC splurge. But like I said, to each their own.
Great story. Glad you had a great time.
Yeah I definitely could've found something more substantive but that night wasn't about the sex and hot girls doing whatever I wanted..... Well yeah it was, but it was also about that power trip with staff giving special treatment. Even over other customers. I was walking to the bathroom in there I had to pass a guy with a stripper who he just bought a drink for. She immediately hopped off his lap and asked if I wanted a private dance like he wasn't even there.
I just remember thinking this must be how the rich and famous get treated everywhere they go
yeah but by that same token it's the whales who buy up all of the hot girls in the club that guys like me despise. Not saying that you are one of them since yours was a one time thing. But I'll bet that guy whose lap was suddenly empty would have liked to kick your ass.
jestie: " I feel the same way when someone questions my gambling in Vegas"
Are your gambling losses the cause or an effect of your bleak of the world? Are those days when you are particularly pissed off even by your won high standards after you've lost the most at the tables in Vegas?
lol, this is why I love TUSCL. Great read. Sounds like you had one hell of a night! And welcome to the board Dmoore :)
Sclvr5005 he would have only been mad at me if I had accepted which I wouldn't deliberately steal a dancer from a guy that just bought her a drink. That's the only time I've seen a girl hop out of a guys lap like that for anyone. I don't get mad at the whales paying for girls to sit with them. It's there money if they want to sit with a girl making pointless chat. If I want one that they are with I will make eye contact and flash my own money and point to the private room. Trust me they will come over to you.
Thanks GOVikings
Where's everybody else's stories c'mon guys what was your best experience at a club
I was splurging one night at a club. I had gone back for my second visit just to visit this one girl who I got a dance from before I left on my last visit. So I found her and she pretended to remember me which I liked.
So I got a few dances and told her that I had plenty of cash on me and wanted to be treated like a king for the night. She said she could take care of me, and she did. She sat with me in vip, made my drinks for me, paid for two massages from the massage girls, and cuddled next to me all the while.
Next, we took it to another level by heading back to a private room overlooking the club. We looked out onto the club and she said, "see that brunette down there sitting at the bar. Shes my best friend if you bring her up too we will make tonight unforgetavle.
I asked the manager to hace her come up, and up she came. The next Hour and a half of my night have thus far been unequaled. It was incredibly erotic, and I was satisfied multiple times. I doubt I will be able to top that moment. I tried with adding a third girl to the mix but then shit gets too complicated. I have sinced made 1 girl my atf and recently started an otc relationship with her.
There have been a lot of them but this ine come to mind, It was was my 70th birthday and I was joined by fellow TUSCLers Clubber, Timboatl and Rod8432 at Follies in Atlanta. The high light of the visit was my VIP trip. It had been in the planning for a month. It was to be a 3 some. The two ladies had already been picked. $100 a piece with no tips and they would get the house to comp the room. All went as planned. The two girls were best friends and I had done VIP trips with both previously. I know that some will say that 3 somes are a waste of time and money. But what the hell you only turn 70 once. The VIP trip was all that you could ask for. No girl on girl action. I was the center of attention. So how does that work. I will let you use your imagination.
Last visit to a club I ended up with my pants down with the dancer and my wife taking turns sucking on me.
Once I made $1200, left at 11 and arrived at home to see my boyfriend with a pizza and a 6-pack waiting for me. That was a pretty good strip club night. Oh wait, that wasn't the kind of story you wanted, huh? :(
$3K is a bit excessive. $1 would do it for me quite nicely thank-you.
I was in San Diego for business so I made a trip to the infamous Hong Kong Club in Tijuana. The evening started with three lesbian shaving cream shows on the back stage. Audience participation was encouraged for a $1 tip (total cost about $15 for helping the shaving cream covered dancers enjoy their dildos on stage, this was three separate shows). Getting accosted by three hot MILFs on the back couch was the second act ($24 dollars for drinks for the dancers) and then to the adjoining hotel for a 4 some (me and the 3 hot MILFs) for the final act (60/dancer plus $36 for the room). Whoops-- an encore was in order after recovering for an hour (I'm old) --- a hot 24 year old who offered anything goes wild sex for a half hour ($80 plus 18 for the room).
Total investment: $240 for dancers, $54 for hotel room, maybe $40 in drinks (including beer for me), $30 tip money, $10 taxi money (do take a taxi from the border to the club), $8 for parking on the US side. Of course, this doesn't count the cost of the flight to San Diego, a car rental and the San Diego hotel room.
Was super-horny on one particular weekday in October 2011.
Decided I needed to go to the SC ASAP. Got to the SC around 5:30 p.m. It was a black dive down here in Miami.
Dances are mostly $5 and some are $10 in this black dive – with great two-way contact and often full nude. Ended up spending $700 on just dances (no extras – no VIP in this club) in this inexpensive club. God dances from about 90% of the dayshift girls and about 3/4 of the nightshift girls – was there from 5:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Was so horny that I was having a wall dance w/ a well put together short ebony and I dry humped her (over the pants - I wear thin sweat pants & go commando) into an orgasm on her part (she put my hand on the cuchie to show me she had cummed and it was super-wet and super-slippery).
Was on my way home and I saw a sexy black street walker – she had some delicious full lips and my dick was still hard on my way home – she gave me a BBBJ for $20 and I had a huge explosion in her mouth (she had great full ebony lips and knew how to use them).
It was one of the few SC visits where I spent a significant amount of $$$ and had absolutely no regrets – I needed it!!!
Hasn't happened yet!!! LMFAOROTF!!! ;) ;)
spent couple our hours at PP in Greenville several years back. at that time they didn't have the outrageous charge to go upstairs to the penthouse. several dances on the floor with hot brunette then off to the VIP for lots of hands on 2-way interaction. after several minutes upstairs, she offered to fuck me. (first time ITC) for $200. off she went to dressing room for rubber. came back, kneeled in front of me and pulled my hard pecker out. proceed to give me BBBJ. slipped rubber on using her mouth, then mounted me cowgirl. rode me like a rodeo champion as I sucked her tits and played with the ass. she then turns around for RCG (said it was her favorite because it was deeper and hit all the right spots) she bounced that sweet pussy up and down with me holding her hips until I busted a nutt then she just sat there for a couple of moment milking my boner until it went soft. sure she had 2 or 3 O's.
I had time to kill one afternoon. Decided to visit the local club. The place was pretty quiet but there were a few attractive dancers there. One dancer in particular seemed to have great chemistry with me. She asked for a drink, I decided to splurge and buy her one instead of saying something like I'd rather buy dances. We talked a little bit, got a couple of dances. She said she'd stop back by in a little while. Before I knew it, she was back and said she appreciated me buying her the drink or two and wanted to dance for me. Off we went again. There was no one in the dance room except us two. Not too well lit either. I felt her reaching under my shorts wondering if I was going to get lucky with her playing around. Next thing I knew I felt something go slurp, slurp in her mouth. That felt really good. But the beer I drank numbed me just enough I knew either she was going to get tired or I was going for a long event. 6 songs later we took a break and just in the nick of time since a bouncer must have noticed I was back there and a dancers head was bobbing up and down. He left not seeing anything and she asked me, want me to keep going?
Just remembered another fun time – although mine don’t tend to be as x-rated as most.
Another black dive but this time while I lived in Dallas.
Most white guys that spend $$$ in a black SC get treated sort of like royalty – i.e. you get a lot of extra attention.
Had 3 ebonies dancing for me one after the other – one for one song – then shift to the next one on the next song – and then the 3rd on the song after that – then rinse and repeat.
Did that for about 3 or 4 song sets. One ebony was short with small tits but thick legs and a big ass. The 2nd ebony was thick with DDD naturals (and very firm) – the 3rd ebony was a brickhouse, nice natural c-cups; a big old booty; with some really meaty thick and hard thighs and very wide hips.
Needed to use the ATM midway thru my “house party†– while using the ATM, one of the ebonies (Ms. DDDs natural) was jerking my johnson over the pants all the time I was waiting for the slow ATM to process the transaction – one of the few times I was not annoyed by a slow processing ATM.
One of my best SC visits was very different from DrMoore's in the original post.
I went to a club in El Paso and sat down after paying the $10 entry fee. A lovely latina approached, sat by me, looked longingly at me, slid her hand up the leg of my shorts and stroked me. She said she wanted me, and made me believe it. I asked her what time she finished work. 11:00. I asked if she would like me to come back then and pick her up. Yes.
So I left; returned just before 11:00, and she actually was waiting to go with me. We went to a hotel and spent the night together. Intensely passionate encounter with just about every variation of heterosexual intercourse partaken, including the kind I do not seek out (anal).
No money changed hands. We just enjoyed each other, and started a sometimes-dating relationship from there.
I'm not sure this is my best time ever but it is one of my favorite that I always was probably 8 or 9 years ago..... the only time I ever did this. I decided that I was going to sit at the tip rail and just stick dollars in garters all night.
I spent about 7-8 hours drinking captain and cokes, doing a few a shots and tipping 1 dollar bills. No private dances, no vip, just $1 tips all night long... took $800 bucks spent probably $150 on drinks and the remaining $650 was dollar tips.... I got alotta attention at first as girls kept coming over to me to see if I would take them back to the private area, but after about an hour or so word got around that I was just rail tipping and the girls basically left me alone except for the girls on the stage... the return on investment was probably not worth it..... but I probably had 100 different girls put their tits in my face.. the girls blurred together after a while, but glad I did it one time as I had some great views and had grabbed a bunch of titties that night.....
What club was this at? Mr d1991?
The OP reminds me of “jackattack107†and his well-written “A Year Being a Regular†series of articles.
The OP’s story is one of those that sounds too good to be true – especially for a 21 y/o guy – but maybe he does have that type of game?
Papi, why do you think it sounds too good to be true? This cat brought 3 stacks to the club.
I think the whole story taken in its totality is possibly one of those “too good to be true†types.
I am not doubting one can have that kind of experience with $3k – but it (story) just turned out “too perfect†per se – especially coming from a very young 21 y/o guy.
Not saying no way it happened or couldn’t happen – just saying it comes across as a bit too perfect – almost manufactured, IMO.
Lolol it definitely happened. You go walk in a club with 3k and see if you don't get a perfect experience.
My best SC experience wasn't too expensive, about $600. It happened at a place called Rumors in Columbus, Ohio. A neighborhood type bar with a 6" raised platform and a stripper pole and pool table and jukebox. After spending about $250 in $20 dancer drinks and tips, I had acquired quite a bit of mileage (HJ, some BBBJ) while sitting at the bar. It was a mix of a strip club and jack joint. The last male customer, other than myself, left at 11:15PM. I asked the bartender, Red, a beautiful and busty red headed lady, if she would like me to leave so she could close early. Red responded with, "Well, we can do that, or if you are willing to buy some more dancer drinks for the remaining dancers, we can lock the door, get naked, and party!" I thought about this, never having such an opportunity available, and after finding out how much cash I would have to lay out on drinks for the remaining dancers, I said, "Hell yes, let's do it!" For the next 45 minutes, I stripped down all the way and all the dancers (about 4) stripped down completely nude or left their thongs on. They set a chair on their small stage and started dancing around me, touching every single part of my body, while I was getting multiple breasts fed to my mouth and face. One stripper (the ugliest one) got down on her knees in front of me and started giving me a BBBJ while the others cheered her on. My hands were busy groping breasts and pussies while getting blown. Wasn't long before I "nutted" and the dancer pulled me out of her mouth and let me spray off in her face. You should have heard the cheers go up by the other dancers!!! I'll never forget that evening and would certainly enjoy another repeat, however, I understand the club eventually got busted and closed down. Go figure!!!
^ Shit bones – I wasn’t expecting a story like that – that is definitely hot and different.