@Dougster that's their go to phrase, I'm starting to think they genuinely get us confused with other people, even I get that very often and I have a very distinct look.
The best line ever given to me by a stripper was a cute 19 year-old spinner during a VIP dance of which I prepaid for a hand job, she looked at me with a sweet and innocent look and whispered; "Do you mind if I spit in my hand?" Yikes....so hot....
last commentHUH?
"I never leave the club with anyone."
"I love your big dick."
That line makes me wonder if the microorganisms that cause STDs can tell how much money is being exchanged or if I'm using a condom?
"Sure we can hang out together. We can hang out at the mall while you buy me stuff!"
"Will you co-sign my boob job loan?"
"I'll be right back."
"Yeah I guess $37 is kindof a lot for just one drink, I never really thought about it before!"
"I'm going to school to get my degree"
(in all fairness, some strippers are telling the truth there)