Puke Porn

avatar for ilbbaicnl
What is sexy about viewing stuff that would generally make someone toss their cookies? Ass-to-mouth is the worst example, but it seems to be more and more common. The next would be the spitting, which would not be so bad, except that porn performers seem to have lifestyles which cause their spit to consist more of snotty phlem rather than saliva. Is this the result of porn directors/producers being weirdos, or am I the weirdo for not being into it?


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avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
SCAT has to be the absolute worst. I think the problem lies in the fact that there is just too much porn available so producers are trying all kinds of weird things trying to capture a share of the market.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Everyone has differing taste in Porn.
avatar for Jay4real
12 years ago
ATM is pretty hott not much into the vomit tho
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Are you sure Jay4? Would it be hot if the chick puked on having shit-taste in her mouth, and then got puke up her ass? ATMTPTA?
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I agree. I watched a couple Max Hardcore movies and he has girls puking on his dick and shit - left me saying "WTF?" Since the dude ended up in prison for creating obscenity I wasn't the only one - but his style seems to be taken up by others.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
To be fair, girls do enemas before typical porno ATM scenes. Not sure whether that eliminates the fecal smell/taste, but I suspect the man's dick is basically covered in lube, not Santorum. I've never done ATM personally and don't have much desire, but certainly wouldn't put my cock in a Santorum covered condom into some chicks mouth. Sort of over the line...

I suspect (well, hope) men clean pretty well before salad tossin'. Never been tempted to DATO with a stripper myself (though I do dig seeing a hot girl willing to bend over, spread cheeks, and give a nice asshole view.

The Max Hardcore stuff is just disgusting. Don't know the appeal.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
I think Juice would agree that you haven't really had hot sex until you have licked a hot girl's asshole.

Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term "kissing their ass."
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
well.... in the 'heat of the moment', my ex & I have done it. luckily, she was almost extreme oh her hygiene & all she tasted was flavored lube. we also did similar one night.... mouth, pussy, ass, pussy, mouth....... she didn't complain that night either.

tongueing a nice clean brown eye isn't too bad & it is definitely sensitive.

BUT...... scat, vomiting, related similar acts actually turn me off.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Igloo, that my friend is hot sex.
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