
avatar for davejones1978
Have you ever seen what looked like an std on a stripper? Have you gotten an std from a stripper?


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avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
No and no
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
No and no. And I have known one other person who has even got an std (herpes). Actually because of my suspicion of the media and them being wrong so often. I wonder how prevalent stds are nowadays. Are the rates of infection goin up or down?
avatar for jmiddle30234
12 years ago
Never have been going to clubs for 20 some years and fingered my share of strippers also I only get hand jobs no bj's or fs just like to play it safe. Have to exchange body fluids for std's and gentile contact w herpes so as long as you play safe you should be good many std's have no physical signs
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Yes and no.
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
yes and no
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
i know a few people that have gotn std's from strippers. but to answer your question NO & NO.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
You didn't ask if any of us have ever given a stripper an std.
No, no & no.
avatar for drzoidberg
12 years ago

Just say no.

Most have rules about protection.

However I have read some posts here where no protection was used.
I have been guilty of making same mistake but still NO & NO.

Be safe.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
No & No but I always ask them first to be sure. :)
avatar for BillH
12 years ago
I have seen a stripper who I assume had herpes due to what looked like sores around her mouth.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
I tried to explain to an ATF that we couldn't do BBFS anymore because my dick always burned for a couple of days afterward. She was pretty insulted.
avatar for Jamesday
12 years ago
Here is a tip. If you are unsure, have a small amount of rubbing alcohol to wash your privates with. that will kill anything.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
No and not that I know of.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
no std paperwork, no fs. Only cbjs for me. eliminates the possibility of stds
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I think you mean "reduces" not "eliminates". In particular, condoms are very effective against HIV and the bacterial stuff, but less so against HPV and HSV. Last time I checked, it was unclear if HPV risk was reduced for men, although there was evidence it was reduced for women.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Drinking water can kill you!
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
dougie fresh, I doubt you can get that from a pair of lips sucking on your rubber dick. How hard must the suck to pierce the latex?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh you "doubt it"? Ok guess that trumps what researchers have found. We are all safe now, thanks, buds!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh wait, you're just talking about oral sex. Could be right. I was thinking of studies about intercourse.
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