Palmistry Article

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parodyman and AN were recently asking about the use of palmistry when attempting to pick up strippers (seems their personality alone is not enough to do it for them).

Now according to certain unscurpulosu people, palmistry and astrology make excellent subject to discuss with strippers.

Unfortunately I am a very scientific minded person myself (unlike AN and parodySUBHUMAN) so I would never engage in the discussion of such charltanism. Not even "for fun".

OTOH, parody and AN have "different" ethical and metaphysical world views than me and are not above this sort of thing. Yoda and others have told me I need to be tolerant of people operating on different "philosophical foundations' than me. Thus I post this link for the benefit of those seeking to utitlize palmistry when attempting to pick-up strippers:…

I would say good luck, but, honestly, I hope this just burns anyone sleezy enough to even try it.


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19 years ago
I just dig taunting davids/Clifbar/RL. He is an easy target.
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19 years ago
Could HAIRY PALMISTRY be the reason most regulars have blocked Clifbar/davids? Or is it his BULLSHIT LIES?
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19 years ago
I guess the little FUCKWAD is too afraid of getting further BITCH SLAPPED in this public forum.
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19 years ago
His mouth must be full too.
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19 years ago
Perhaps Clifbar the "Catchers mitt of cumm" will post a reply...
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19 years ago
Seeing as how he is davids right hand HAIRY PALM.
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19 years ago
Yet he is too afraid to answer me.
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19 years ago
I think davids is so consumed with his exploration of HAIRY PALMISTRY that he only can PRY HIS STICKY FINGERS OFF OF HIS COCK long enough to type in the occasional LIES AND BULLSHIT!
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
And yet you keep playing it straight on other threads...
avatar for davids
19 years ago
AN: Come on:

do you really think that I would think that anyone would believe that you and parodyman were really NAMBLA members and holocausts deniers just b/c I posted it with absolutely no proof.

I was just parody'ing parody, and you who does similar things, albeit much more subtlely and hence, credibly.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
davids, I guess I have to reconsider you again. At first I thought you were an interesting poster, very different ideas, but interesting. Then as your posts got, for a lack of a better word "weirder" I thought it must be satirical. He's using irony to point out some sort of societal double standard. Then it seemed you never broke character, you never let on that you knew it was a joke too. I was left with no alternative but to assume you were actually serious.

Your latest post however gives me renewed hope. I post a quote with a link, thus verifying its authenticity. You, as what I can only conclude is a satirical take on past statements post one without a link and written in such a manner that it is obviously fake. I think I can play satire as well and see if you like my comical entry (also no link and obviously fake). Then you come up with this:

"AN: Good word. You really plummetted to new depths. I thought your blatant lies and strawmen were bad enough, but now you have resorted to posting forgeries. Do you have no sense morals whatsoever?"

I nearly busted a gut laughing.

Still I think the holocaust denial and NAMBLA membership was a bit much. That and you have to break character on occasion to let people know you are in on the joke and not just unbalanced or obtuse.
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19 years ago
parody: Why did you advocate (this is a direct quote) "eliminating all jews and niggers off the earth" here?
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19 years ago
davids if you truly not a PL you will answer the four questions put to you.

1. Why do you believe in the occult yet try to act like you have any scientific credibility?

2. Why don't you answer any of AN's questions when you think the truth will put you in a bad light?

3. No balls?

4. Why do you just change the subject when you don't want to answer?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
AN: sorry you had to jump into the cess pool and swim around. davids seems to bring out the urge to do that.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
AN: Good word. You really plummetted to new depths. I thought your blatant lies and strawmen were bad enough, but now you have resorted to posting forgeries. Do you have no sense morals whatsoever?
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Gosh...what wit. Here's another one.

Stripclubs with male dancers Sat, Mar 11, 2006 @ 6:15 pm
Posted by: davids

Why aren't there any reviews of gay clubs or clubs with male dancers? That's what I want to see.

Sorry parodyman, I know I'm working in your milieu, but I'm just anxious to watch the "rebuttal".
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19 years ago
You left out some important pieces, AN:

Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 10:42 pm
Posted by: AbbieNormal

davids: Lately I've been trying to lie to strippers by telling them that I am the professor of an anonymous physical science. However, the house of cards quickly crumbles when they test me on it by asking me thing about Godel's theorem and Turing awards (whatever the fuck those things are).

I need a new routine. Could you post a link about palmistry? I know it's not really ethical to spout stuff you don't believe in, but a fat, old, retarded alcoholics like me need all the help they can getting laid.

Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 11:39 pm
Posted by: parodySUBHUMAN--->

Me too, please.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
I'm not going to slam davids this time. Just enjoy the fact that AN embarrassed him far more effectively than an insult would have. The truth hurts gypsy boy (davids) dosen't it?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Dude, I'm not into this shit. It's you and AN who asked. So here's your info. Hope it blows up in your face when you try to lose it: You fucking losers.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
You really should have waited till the original thread was off the board before trying to revise the discussion to conform to your delusions. Here's the original discussion:…

Keys to Strip Club Success Sat, Mar 11, 2006 @ 6:15 pm
Posted by: davids

Interesting. I haven't studied NLP/patterning yet, but am pretty sure a stripper who made an incredible sales pitch to me in Vegas used it against me! Something worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation.

Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 7:56 pm
Posted by: parodyman-->

NLP = Junk Science This probably does work on the feeble minded, kind of like palm reading or fortune telling.

Keys to Strip Club Success Mon, Mar 13, 2006 @ 8:43 pm
Posted by: davids

Um, palm reading and fortune telling are also known to work tremendously well on women.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Flat out lie. I never asked. Parodyman brought it up as an example of junk science (like NLP), you brought it up as an effective pick-up technique. That means it is you that needs a crutch. You just can't resist trying to project your feelings on others.
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