
"My FIrst OTC?" or "How to fuck up a perfectly good opportunity for a fine piece

Monday, January 7, 2013 11:22 AM
I am new to this site but I have been to quite a few strip clubs around the country in my travels. This story happened when I was much younger and did not nearly have the sense that god gave me. I was traveling to Detroit on business and heard about Windsor Canada so me and my friends headed over to the border one night to Cheetahs. And it was good. The girls were hot the price was cheap and we were drinking up a storm. So late into the night this fabulous hard 8, (a killer body, long dirty blond hair, an as you could serve a beer on, and that inexplicable sex appeal that some women have), from Montreal comes up to me and offers me what was at the time a very sexy lap dance with a few extras. I was in heaven. We talked extensivly. At least she talked and I slurred. We talked about how the clubs were in Florida. And I invited her to come down to Florida to visit and gave her my business card with my office number and address. Of course I did not check with my wife. And I never thought about it again. Well a couple of weeks later. I am on the golf course with some customers and I get this call from my office. It is a buddy of mine that I work with. And he tells me that my "cousin" is in the lobby. I felt flushed and scared shitless. OMG she has come to my office where I work. What the hell does she think she is doing? Of course I had given her my business card! The receptionist told my buddy who was trying to cover for me. That she did not think this young lady was my cousin. Well my golf game went to shit as I tried to figure out what to do. She left her number and the motel where she was staying and. I was supposed to call her. I didn't. And to this day I kick myself for that one. 1. I did not know what OTC was or that you could even get a stripper to come out of the club. 2. It spooked me so bad that I did not realize that I not only have some first class pussy waiting for me, but that she was at a motel that she has paid for! 3. She literally drove from Montreal to Florida. Do you know how far that is? So I guess strippers do offer OTC to you. Sometimes you just got to know how to handle the opportunity that lays in front of you. Revo


  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me.
  • tusclfix
    11 years ago
    Not to hijack but when I was in college I moved into my cousin's apartment. She had 4 other smoking hot roommates, with me as the only guy. In my 3 years of living there, I had 3 of the other roommates come on to me and try to fool around on more than one occasion (mostly after nights of drinking). On every one of those occasions I had turned them down and never hooked up, citing something along the lines of it wouldn't be right and it would ruin our friendship, etc. Ahh, the colossal stupidity of (my) youth.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I'm sure that we all have had missed opportunities and wish that we could relive parts of our lives. :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Ahh tales of a mis-spent youth. Why is youth wated on the young.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    As with many things in life – we live and we learn. Perhaps the important thing may be to look back on our wasted time/opportunities and not make the same mistakes again.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    DON'T mix alcohol and clubbing, then you might avoid this kind of situation.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    ^^^:) I'm STILL learning as we speak.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    You gave your business card to a lying thieving whore.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    You should have had a 3-way with the receptionist and the stripper
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    @gator, she probably stole it then lied and said he gave it to her.
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