I'm all set for a vacation in Vegas in a couple weeks. Has anyone been there recently? Any strong recommendations? Any places I should stay away from? Which places am I likely to be offered extras? Thanks in advance...
I think Vegas is a weak strip club town. Spearmint, Cheetahs and OG are okay but varies by dancer. Cost is usually cheap till later. Plus any hours in the club are hours not at the tables. Best deals in Vegas are the independents - check out some of those. Mirage and Caesars bars are good places to hang out.
You're NOT going to be beaten up at CH II tho there is some truth to the blurb posted above. Sheri's Cabaret is also nothing that special so prolly best to avoid.
I haven't been to Vegas in about 3 years but the Mirage had a rep for not harassing girls in the Casino that offer extras - check out the bar area for girls drinking alone.
Just remember, if you go early enought, there is usually no cover at any of the major clubs. Try to arrive before 6 pm and you will get there before shift change. IMHO, Rhino is the best in the afternoon.
just wondering--does anyone know if any Vegas hotels give away free passes to strip clubs--since the topless clubs cost $20 to get in, it might be worth asking about!!
Stay away from Can Can Room (major rip off) and Crazy Horse II (bouncers beating up patrons). Deja Vu and Little Darlings are the best nude clubs, and you can get in for free with a pass from the website. Olympic Garden, Rhino, and Cheetahs are the best topless clubs.
I've seen prostitutes hanging at the bar at Striptease tho they weren't anything that special. Seamless is a stunning place but don't know about extras. Best bet for that MAY be Olympic Garden but I don't know that from personal experience. Stay away from Can Can room and Palomino Club as well as Girls of Glitter Gulch. I recommend Cheetahs and Foxy Girls (smaller type place)
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