Stripper With Mental Illnesses

avatar for davids
What percentage of strippers do you estimate have some sort of MENTAL ILLNESS? Would you knowingly by a LAP DANCE (or "extras") from one? Would you feel that you were exploiting her?


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
davids: Are you having homosexual fantasys again? Why are you posting about "Man strippers?"
avatar for xanfiles
19 years ago
Why should we deny anyone the pleasure of sex? If we don't have sex with them, who will?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Man strippers are either:

a) poor and in desperate situations (e.g. single mothers)
b) drug addicts
c) alcoholics
d) have some form of mental illness

Do any of you feel bad about exploiting them for cheap sex, or is it all fair game? Has going to strip clubs eroded away your conscience?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
AN and parody are the two TUSCL trolls I know about. AN suffers from alcoholism. parody is a homosexual, but I don't think that is considered a mental illness anymore. Also I don't think there are established criteria for mental illness amongst subhumans. Thus AN yes, parody no. 50%.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
What percentage of tuscl trolls are suffering from some type of mental illness. (This answer should be good considering this particular troll is also our resident "expert" on everything.)
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Comments on the eploitiveness of strip clubs?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Posters here don't seem to have a problem with exploiting poor women in desperate circumstances for cheap sex. But what about mentally ill women?
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