The stereotypes of strip clubs

I have been going to strip clubs twice a month for four years. I love them and go constantly. Also I am from Lexington Kentucky and we have great strip clubs such as Spearmint Rhino, Platinum Plus, and Deja Vu. That is just a little about me. Anyway over the past few years people always tell me that dancers are drug addicts, anxious, fearful, and they feel trapped and strongly dislike what they do. I personally think that most dancers don't fit those stereotypes. What do you all think?
last commentYou're going to get answers of all types Omega22. These answers will range from very misogynistic & foul descriptions at one end of the continuum to the end where I & a hand full of other members reside, who tend to agree with your assessment.
I'll send you a PM in a day or two explaining my views. As it stands, I don't think I care at this moment to rile up the members at the other end. LOL
Saying "all" are drug addicts may be overstating it. But let me say this - I've been go strip clubs 30 years, a just about every dancer I've gotten to know abuses substances of some sort.
Weed, pills, booze, hell even Red Bull. Whether they are drug addicts - it's not for me to say. But even with the so called "good girls" who look down at the pill poppers, I see them smoke a blunt before work, go to their car in mid shift to smoke some more, and then smoke again when they get home. Or the girls that down 4, 5, or 6 Red Bulls in a 6 hour shift. That's not normal behavior.
Whether girls get into stripping as a way to finance their drug habit or simply fall into the lifestyle, I don't know. There are many exceptions I'm sure, but this is just my opinion after many years of observations.
My 30 years of clubbing pretty much matches motorhead's. Substance abuse is common, though not universal by any means. However, the "strongly dislike what they do" aspect seems to be proportional to the level of substance abuse, i.e. the ones who abuse most seem to be the ones who most strongly dislike it, whereas the ones at the other of the scale seem to actually like it. Again, not universal, but very common IME.
Every last dancer I have gotten close to either had problems with alcohol, and that Red Bull abuse it common! I don't know how you can drink that much and not die of a heart
attack! Also, they all went to see I shrink for a myriad of issues.
My new ATF seems so problem free for now, I know the other shoe will drop soon. Oops. it already did, she has 2 DUIs on her record. When we just did OTC, her car won't start unless she blows into a breathalyzer attached to her car's ignition.
Dancers, I have found, have a wide range of personalities and behaviors. But they are more likely than non-strippers to drink, smoke, take drugs, and have many sexual partners. That's why I like them.
To say that "all" or even "most" are one way or the other is rather dumb. Even when dealing with only two individuals, they are never carbon copies of each other. Every single person is different. Therefore, I don't try to pigeon hole dancers behavior or as you say stereotypes.
It isn't one size fits all.
I like to believe that strippers are all good girls who wear hearts of gold beneath their scanty raiment. And they are all working their way through college or graduate school while trying to support some wretch of a husband who doesn't appreciate them. That's why I fall in love with someone each time I enter a club.
There is one generalization that I will make. Successful strippers hide their personal problems from the customer. You are not, as a customer, going to see whatever is their personal problems.
Also I will say that it is almost impossible to sort out cause and effect with them. Did stripping cause their personal issues or did their personal issues lead them to stripping?
Thank you all for your answers. I have read all of them and I am glad that you all took the time to respond.
Also I want to add, just to show pride in my city, that Lexington KY is one of the best cities for strip clubs. Three in the top 100 overall best strip clubs. Also Deja Vu didn't make the list but it is a great club too.
@Omega22: Wow, you think the Lexington DV club is a "great" club? I'll admit I haven't been there in a couple of years, but the last time I was there, "lame" would have been a complement. When I'm not even allowed to touch a girl's leg in a VIP, that's not a club to which I would apply a "great" descriptor. Most of the Louisville clubs are better now, after the law change, than the DV in Lexington. For the record, the DV here in Louisville is pretty uninteresting, too.
I've had good times at other Lexington clubs, but DV is well placed off the list of top clubs.
Yeah I understand what you mean. I guess I am just a little biased. However Platinum Plus and Spearmint Rhino are really good clubs. I am able to touch the girls all I want at Platinum Plus especially.
I spent the night in Lexington a month ago. I hit Cowboy's and Platinum Plus. Cowboy's is over rated. The cowboys can have it. I did enjoy my time at PP. I have a lifetime membership to the chain. I have visited 4 out of their 5 clubs. Plus the now closed one in Memphis. I have never had a bad experience at their clubs.
I didn't know about a membership. I guess I need to ask them about it next time I go. I would love to be a member.