My GirlFund..
Have you guys seen this website? You go to this site and contribute money to a young ladies account so that you can interact ONLINE. I can be anti-social with the best of them, but why would you hand over money when all you are getting out of it is a man to hand "relationship"? I sent an e-mail to the support end of this website asking why I would want to be someones Sugar Daddy without any of the fun, and they replied that I need to think of it as an online interaction, and if I want actual human contact to go to a dating site.
My question never really got answered though.. WHY would you do this??
Is this site an acceptable alternative to an online dating service? IMHO...NO!!
lol, my hand has been very loyal to me over the years....
Why pay for this service? I agree it doesn't make sense, but obviously there is a need and someone is profiting from it. But it won't be my dime paying for it.
I know guys that never leave their apartments except when they have to for work and would work on line from home if they could. They do not see the point of social interaction or bathing for that matter. The rest of the time is spent online. I see it more and more.
I know here we are on a pervert forum but but this forum is to enhance ofline experiences.
If everybody wanted the same things, it'd be an awfully boring world. It's not something I would do, but nobody's getting hurt, so other than the intellectual interest in the myriad ways in which human nature manifests, it ain't that big a deal.
And it doesn't have to be a dancer, the girl-next-door will do nicely too.
I have noticed lately that my hand has had some scratch marks which did not come from our sex. My hand admitted he had been having sex with dancers again. If I could only find some hand to be loyal to me. Alas......
You could come south again.
Have you been to a Club umissedaspot? I see NO reviews & very few comments in 14 months of being here at TUSCL. Do you see yourself as a pathetic PL?
I'm just another strip club goin' PL, in it for the fun.