Personally I hate the looks of them. I can't imagine what it would feel like doing DFK but I doubt that I would like it. Not so sure though about getting a BBBJ from a chick with a tongue piercing. Some say that it adds to the pleasure. One favorite dancer told me that she didn't need a tongue piercing to give a good blow job. At least as far as she was/is concerned, she certainly didn't need one.
LOVE THEM!! My ex-gf had one. She was great at BBBJ before and even better after she had it done. On the other hand, I have seen many dancers that use a bar that's way too long &/or balls that are way too big. Usually they have both. Then they start 'clicking' it against their teeth or sticking them out. Both of those are extremely distracting and not a turn-on.
I've had both a DFK and a BJ from a girl who had one, and she didn't have the bar that was too long or the huge balls because she doesn't want to ruin her teeth.
I can take them or leave them. It didn't add anything, but it didn't detract either. It was different and that's about it.
The pierced woman is VERY unattractive to me, her piercings are TOTALLY unattractive to me.
If any of you fellow TUSCL members find that a BBBJ is helped by a tongue piercing, hey go for it. It is your Cock! LOL If it turns you on, MORE power to you! LOL
IME it is skill, engagement & enthusiasm on the part of the Woman that makes for a GREAT BBBJ! NOT PIERCINGS!
"lol Alucard, I guess you didn't watch/listen closely when you were viewing the video.
The first post I made in this topic, is dialogue from the movie Pulp Fiction. I can't BELIEVE you don't have that movie in your collection. :("
"It'sexy, helps fellatio"
Is that supposed to be the point of the video? That tongue piercing is sexy & that it "Helps" Oral Sex? I've already expressed my opinion about piercings in general & tongue piercing as related to Oral Sex.
IMHO it is NOT Sexy! And I don't IMO believe it makes up for the LACK of skill, engagement & enthusiasm on the part of the Woman!
haha, the only reason I posted that video- is because when I read the title of this discussion topic, that's the first thing I thought of- that scene from Pulp Fiction- it has nothing to do with how I feel about this topic.
Personally, tongue piercings don't matter that much to either way. If a girl has one, cool. If she doesn't, that's cool too.
last commentInteresting. I can think of only one dancer that had one and an encounter with Mr. Happy. Wasn't a wonderful meeting. :(
"One favorite dancer told me that she didn't need a tongue piercing to give a good blow job"
A tongue piercing WON'T give a dancer skill at Blowjobs. LOL
It'sexy, helps fellatio.
I can take them or leave them. It didn't add anything, but it didn't detract either. It was different and that's about it.
NO! It is NOT Sexy. NOT within 100 miles of being Sexy. It is unattractive.
So what is the point of the Video? Hmm...
The pierced woman is VERY unattractive to me, her piercings are TOTALLY unattractive to me.
If any of you fellow TUSCL members find that a BBBJ is helped by a tongue piercing, hey go for it. It is your Cock! LOL If it turns you on, MORE power to you! LOL
IME it is skill, engagement & enthusiasm on the part of the Woman that makes for a GREAT BBBJ! NOT PIERCINGS!
The first post I made in this topic, is dialogue from the movie Pulp Fiction. I can't BELIEVE you don't have that movie in your collection. :(
The first post I made in this topic, is dialogue from the movie Pulp Fiction. I can't BELIEVE you don't have that movie in your collection. :("
"It'sexy, helps fellatio"
Is that supposed to be the point of the video? That tongue piercing is sexy & that it "Helps" Oral Sex? I've already expressed my opinion about piercings in general & tongue piercing as related to Oral Sex.
IMHO it is NOT Sexy! And I don't IMO believe it makes up for the LACK of skill, engagement & enthusiasm on the part of the Woman!
Personally, tongue piercings don't matter that much to either way. If a girl has one, cool. If she doesn't, that's cool too.
What the right girl with the right hardware can do to a clit is unbelieveable :P
RIGHT On Juice baby!!! LOL
A good question, since you already stated her deficiencies in Sex.
For me her age is not a qualifier for return trips given your statement of her sexual deficiencies. Due perhaps to her INEXPERIENCE?
Her body type could lure me back since I really like Spinners. But NOT a second time given your statement of her sexual deficiencies.
Sometimes I find them very sexy, especially if I think the woman is trying to hide it.
This is all that needs to be said.
P.S Tongue piercings, I can take it or leave it, really doesn't matter.