
What's supposed to be the difference between Top 40 rank and Top 40 rated?

North Iowa
You go to the Top 40 page and you got a list of the the Top 40 ranked clubs and the Top 40 rated clubs. What's supposed to be the difference? Aren't rankings and ratings the same? I mathematically figured out what the rating is supposed to be, but not the ranking. What is it?
By the way, all clubs have a rank and a rating now.


  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Meh. Some people give out 10's if the club just barely doesn't suck. Others won't give even the best club in the world an 8. I don't put too much stock in ratings or rankings. Just read the reviews.
    18 years ago
    Minnow, if you're calling me an old dog, I resemble that remark.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    fondl; If it makes you feel better, I also include myself in old dog category-bowwow
    18 years ago
    "The rank show's a club's current state." Measured how? The most recent review, the last 3, the last year's worth? I think it's falacious to assume that just because the last guy or three who visited a place really liked it that the place is improving. We all like different things about clubs, so a higher or lower rating is more likely to reflect that than to reflect changes in the club, unless you're looking at the same rater. If the same rater is changing his opinion I think that could be a better indicator of change than different people giving different ratings. Do you look at what's happening with multiple reviews by the same rater?
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Founder: Iread faq, but still find difference between ranking & rating to be confusing. Instead, I suggest that you use the terms "Trend Rating(Ranking), and "Long Term Rating(Ranking)" for the 2 categories. That would eliminate any head scratching abt. the diff. between ranking and rating. Also curious which timeframes you are using. Is it 1yr for rankings, & 3 yrs for ratings? Pls post here and in faq. In closing, kudos for new map, esp. "find nearby clubs feature". Old dogs don't always embrace new tricks, but will be good over time.
  • founder
    18 years ago
    The rank show's a club's current state. The rating show's the club's quality over a longer period of time.

    If a club has a rating of 6, but a rank of 8, that means it is improving. Conversely, if a club has a rating of 8 but a rank of 6, that means a club is in decline.

    The home page shows the top 10 ranked, as they are currently the hottest clubs going in the past year. Of course, to each their own, as the top club on both lists (Adelita) is little more than window dressing for a whorehouse. My favorite clubs all rank in the 4's and 5's.

    Hope this helps.
    18 years ago
    Founder, I just read the FAQ and I still don't know what the difference is. Are you saying that one averages all the reviews while the other only averages the most recent ones, and if so which is which? I did notice that the top 10 list is entirely different today, is this for the same reason? I'd be reluctant to put much faith in a rating that averaged only the most recent reviews, it would be too easy to manipulate it.
  • founder
    18 years ago
    Check the FAQ. When you use both together you get a good idea of the club's current quality.
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