First time I tried this...a couple of very entertaining and well-written reviews that I liked. But I hit the Prop feature, and it appared white on black (as opposed to the normal black on white). So I couldn't see what I was asked to additionally provide.
It can be done. samsung1 did it tonight for Crush in Columbia SC. It is extremely difficult to read. I see black on a gray background when trying to prop the review or read it.
There is an additional problem with viewing props or flags. for example ig you go to the Crush page and click on 130 reviews to the right of the stars, they will not appear at the bottoms of the reviews
if you go lower to wshere it says highlites and click on 130 reviews, again the they will not appear.
But if you go below that line to the reviews, then they do appear.
Am I on the same tuscl as you? I have no problem propping a review. Text is normal black on white. But I can't find any way to view props and flags. I have three links that take me to reviews, one next to the star, and one each at the top and bottom of highlights. All three take me to the same place, without props.
last commentThere is an additional problem with viewing props or flags. for example ig you go to the Crush page and click on 130 reviews to the right of the stars, they will not appear at the bottoms of the reviews
if you go lower to wshere it says highlites and click on 130 reviews, again the they will not appear.
But if you go below that line to the reviews, then they do appear.