
Viagra Would Need Sex Therapist's Approval Under Ohio Bill

If women considering abortions must face government-mandated examinations, it's only fair that men who want drugs such as Viagra to treat impotence get the same treatment, an Ohio (STOOH1) lawmaker says.
State Senator Nina Turner, a Cleveland Democrat, has introduced a bill to require that physicians take specific actions before prescribing such drugs, including giving a cardiac stress test and making a referral to a sex therapist for confirmation that “the patient's symptoms are not solely attributable to one or more psychological conditions.”
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Viagra tablets. Photographer: Raphael Gaillarde/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
“We want to make sure that men, vulnerable, fragile men, who are not capable of making decisions for themselves, understand all of the side effects and the implications of these types of drugs,” Turner said in a telephone interview.
Her bill takes its place alongside similar efforts by Democratic lawmakers in states including Virginia (STOVA1), Georgia (STOGA1) and Missouri (STOMO1) in response to moves by Republican-controlled legislatures to limit abortions or oppose a federal requirement to include contraceptives in health-care plans.
A bill in Missouri would allow vasectomies only to protect a man from serious injury or death, according to the Associated Press, and in Virginia, which passed a bill requiring women to get an ultrasound before an abortion, state Senator Janet Howell sought an amendment requiring doctors to perform a rectal exam and stress test before prescribing erectile-dysfunction drugs.
For the Gander
“I think we should just have a little gender equity here,” Howell testified in January, according to a video posted on her YouTube channel.
Medications such as Viagra, manufactured by Pfizer Inc. (PFE), the world's largest drugmaker, increase blood flow to the penis. Side effects can include headaches, blue-tinted vision and long- lasting and painful erections, according to the Viagra website.
Turner, 44, said she modeled her Ohio bill in response to a measure in the Republican-dominated Legislature that would prohibit doctors from performing an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected. The legislation passed the Ohio House last year, and Republican Senate President Tom Niehaus has said he will resume hearings on it after yesterday's primary.
‘Equal Opportunity'
The Turner bill mimics provisions of the so-called heartbeat bill, including requiring a doctor to place medical records about prescriptions for erectile dysfunction in a patient's file and keep them for at least seven years.
“If we are going to be in the business as policy makers of regulating sexual health or medical health, then we should do it across the board,” Turner said. “We should be equal opportunity in that.”
The legislation will be assigned to a committee, and it will be up to the chairman to decide when it is considered, said Angela Meleca, a spokeswoman for Senate Republicans. Senate leaders have not yet reviewed the measure can't comment on its status, Meleca said.
Peter O'Toole, a Pfizer spokesman, said by phone that the company doesn't comment on specific legislation.
Turner said she is serious about passing her bill, pointing to the drugs' potential side effects. It's also telling that legislation about women's reproductive health is common and measures about men's health aren't, Turner said.
“Instead of focusing in on the crisis that we're still trying to dig ourselves out of as a country related to the fiscal crisis of 2008, some of us have found leisure time to deal with reproductive health -- and not deal with it in a very productive manner,” she said.



  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Our politicians have become a joke, especially with the recent pandering about contraception. The politicians should have to be drug tested before they submit any legislation and undergo an anal probe before they vote.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I'd say, Rush Limbaugh is receiving his just reward as as of this morning, 40 of his radio show's advertisers dropped his stupid ass. I enjoy listening to his rants on radio, and figured sooner, than later, he'd really stick his foot in his mouth. I'm with you, jackslash, the politicians are a joke, but the problem is, once they get elected, everything changes. As far as this legislation, I'd have to see the specific wording in the legislation. I think there is danger in these drugs, but I don't know if it is necessary to go this far, as far as "governmental" regulation.
  • steve229
    13 years ago

    You can have my viagra when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    GET out of my Sex life politicians!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Sounds like sour grapes to me. There is good news. Pfiser's patent on Viagra ends March 28th. Generics will flood the market and force prices down on all ED meds.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Not that shadowcat needs them or anything...he's just saying! LOL
  • how
    13 years ago
    RE: Limbaugh. He's got well over 10,000 advertisers among his 600+ local affiliates.

    RE: The proposed legislation. That's just stupid. It's a handout to "sex therapists." What are they going to say? "You need ED meds." Or, "You don't need ED meds." They're prescription meds already, right? So a doctor has already made one of those two statements.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    The Viagra legislation is just to make a point, and it is a good one. It is a shot across the bow for all of the sanctimonious male legislators who think we need to continue tightening the vise on women's reproductive issues. Attendance at Catholic churches in Europe is way down, and it appears that American bishops are determined to double down and achieve the same results. I suppose they can always fall back on the church's property holdings if contributions plummet, but those assets might be needed to pay off child abuse settlements.

    Between lunatics with guns who kill abortion providers and layer upon layer of regulation, the right to an abortion in this country has been nearly extinguished. Now it seems we are moving into limits on contraception. Next are chastity belts and burning at the stake of fornicators and adulterers.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Next will be elimination of child benefits for mothers who have children when they are single.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "burning at the stake of fornicators and adulterers"

    The return of The Inquisition?!
  • carl95
    13 years ago
    Does a sexual surrogate count? If so this might be a fun law for those trying to get the pills.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    That's it I'm fucking outside the country from now on
  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
    I believe that Shadowcat's comment about the expiration of Pfizer's patent on Viagra is incorrect. I'm pretty sure that the patent has been extended until 2020. I don't know the complex legal details.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @EarlTee: Do you have a cite for that? Everything I've seen says it's expiring this month. Which is why I'm holding off on refilling my prescription. :))
  • deogol
    13 years ago
  • Ermita_Nights
    13 years ago
    So does becoming a politician turn you into an asshole, or does politics just attract people who are natural assholes?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    This Viagra thing is confusing. If I read the following article correctly. The patent on Sildenafil, one ingredient of Viagra, has been extended 6 months til Sept 2012. At which time a generic manufacturer could use this ingredient. But I am no patent attorney.

    Pfizer Gets 6-Month Patent Extensions For Viagra, Revatio

    Published February 17, 2012

    Dow Jones Newswires

    Pfizer Inc.'s (PFE) blockbuster anti-impotence pill Viagra has been granted an additional six months of U.S. patent protection--because the company studied the drug's active ingredient in children.

    Don't worry, Pfizer isn't planning to market Viagra to kids.

    The additional exclusivity arises because Viagra shares an active ingredient, sildenafil, with another Pfizer drug, Revatio, which is marketed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, or high blood pressure in the lung's arteries.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration previously asked Pfizer to test Revatio in children with pulmonary hypertension. Pfizer conducted the studies and has applied for FDA approval to market Revatio for use in children; an FDA decision is expected in May.

    Federal law provides for such extensions of exclusivity as an incentive for drug makers to test products that may be helpful to children. During exclusivity periods, competing generic copies are generally prohibited from entering the market. The FDA granted the six-month pediatric extension for sildenafil on Feb. 9, according to the FDA website.

    The patent extension applies to any drug containing sildenafil, even Viagra, which is only approved for use by men with erectile dysfunction and not for use by children.

    As a result, the U.S. period of exclusivity for Viagra would extend by six months until April 2020, said Pfizer spokeswoman Victoria Davis. That is based on a patent due to expire in 2019, which covers sildenafil's use to treat ED. This patent was upheld by a federal judge last year, though Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (TEVA), which challenged the patent's validity, has appealed that decision.

    The basic patent for sildenafil was due to expire in March 2012. The pediatric exclusivity period now extends to September.

    The U.S. periods of exclusivity for Revatio will extend to September for its tablet formulation, and to May 2013 for its intravenous formulation, Davis said.

    Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2012/02/…
  • Ermita_Nights
    13 years ago
    Sildenafil isn't just the main ingredient of Viagra, it's the only active ingredient. I think what this means is that the patent on the chemical expires this year, but the patent on its use as a treatment for ED won't expire until 2020. So later this year generics will become available for treating pulmonary hypertension, but not for ED. Depending on how amenable your doctor is, he may be willing to prescribe the generic for you anyway.

    Or you can do like I do and buy it offshore.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    I thought I recently read that there was consideration to making it available over the counter, soon?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    how, that's great that Limbaugh has that many advertisers. The smart ones pulled out.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    This sounds like the result of one bitch in office seeking revenge on men and couples in general. It doesn't speak well of her re-election chances unless the women in Ohio are not fond of having sex either. Maybe the women in Ohio don't want to have sex. She might get re-elected. I guess there might be in increase in violence against women there as well. It would be interesting to see some statistics in a few years if the bill gets passed. We might be able to tell if there is a correlation between violence against women and less sex.

    I'm not promoting any violence or anything else.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    I don't think that she expects it to past, but it does help men feel the government putting a target on their back regarding reproductive rights.

    Of course, the right thing to do on the other side is legislation that the man gets the kids, the money, the house, and any future income the woman makes when in a divorce.
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