The Dark, Mystical, Insane Minds on Many Strippers

avatar for davids
Although it a good idea to lead the customer/stripper interaction in the beginning, after some time we can allow strippers to more leaway in what they talk about. Give them a chance to "open up" to us a bit more. At this, however, we find that many strippers are fascinated by some really dark subjects: crime, serial killer, deadly diseases. We also find an almost universal fascination with mystical and the occult: astrology is huge, "pagan" religions, etc. Finally we learn that perhaps as much of 1/3 of strippers are, apparently, suffering from some untreated mental ilnesses: depression, paranoia, eating disorders, etc.

OTOH, this does make the strippers we meet who are psychologically healthy stand all that much more.



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avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
I doubt any would talk to you! -- HA HA DICKLESS DOUCHEBAG!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Would any strippers care to comment?
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19 years ago
davids / Clifwad: aren't you the one who is into the junk science of NLP, FORTUNE TELLING, and let us not forget HAIRY PALMISTRY? I thought you used your psychotic powers on women all of the time? Does this mean your mind is dark, mystical and insane?
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