
Advice needed: OTC action

Monday, February 13, 2012 5:20 PM
Need some help: Facts: -High end club -Hottest girls in town -Never been offered extras -Very high mileage club -Younger hot latina lets me get away with everything I want - I go in once a month or so and usually get a few dances with her -I am an average looking 29 yr old and make decent $ Story: One night a few months ago (I went in with a group of friends for my bday and I was pretty hammered) I ask for her number and say something to the effect of "lets do this outside the club" and she smiles and keeps dancing. When we are done, I tell her I was serious and she smiles and walks away. As I am getting ready to leave later that night and she was on stage - I gave her a tip and told her we were leaving - she then tells me her number while she is on stage - Im drunk and walking away and didn't get the number right. A month or so goes by and I go in again and she is working, I appologize about not calling her because I got the number wrong she says she knew I had it wrong but couldn't stop me because she was on stage. So she gives it to me and I tell her Ill call her soon. She says "Ill be sure to answer" - I thought that was a little weird. Anyways I text her twice ("hey babe what are you doing" kinda thing) over the next 2 weeks and get no reply. Then out of the blue she texts me saying she was out of town. I tell her we should get together soon and she agrees. Thats where I am now. My question is: How do I approach the situation from here? I am fairly new to the whole extra thing - I have hooked up with a stripper I met ITC before but she was crazy and a drug dealer and I fled that one so fast I couldn't really learn about the whole stripper game as much as I wanted to. I am pretty sure she isn't actually interested in me, just interested in some $ and maybe she thinks I will be fun. Eairler I said ITC she lets me get away with anything - she does - but no stickshifting at all, so I'm not sure how into me she is. I will say I think there is a small possibility that she doesn't expect any $ and just wants to hang out and I don't want to offend her asking what her rates are etc if thats the case. Thanks for the advise!


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I personally would take time to get to know the Dancer better before doing OTC. That's just me. If you're really hot to get in her pants, set it up & do it.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    Alucard is correct. get to know the dancer. Find out her hobies,what music she likes,what type of food she likes ie, mexican,Italian. Once you have found that out & a level of trust is there. Then Ask about OTC
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    That's how the juice runs his OTC game the way dracula and bang laid it out But like dracula said if you hot to trot then text her out to a dinner then talk about the details in person.
  • scguru
    12 years ago
    First of all, thank you. I don't have that much game so the more advice I can get the better. OK, so assuming she isn't intersted in anything other than some fun and extra $ how should I proceed? ITC? Diner? Drinks?
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Just be yourself. Tell her you like her and would like to get together OTC. She might ask what you have in mind, and you might answer by asking what she would be comfortable with. Don't treat her like a whore yet.....just treat her like a friend that you would like very much to fuck because she is pretty and turns you on. That should get things headed in the right direction anyway. Let us know how things develop.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    In my limited experiences, I would pretty much agree with the "wait and get to know her better" scenario. One thing I would add, is see if she keeps up with the text/phone calls. If you get the run around there, it will likely only be worse if you get to the OTC "meat" up up part.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Its just like a civi its only going to get better at a slow pace......the more you both get to know each other and the more build up their is the better the sex will be !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ok the juice is going to say his 2cents on this : I travel to air dance clubs, inbetween clubs and exxtras clubs.....this means I have learnt how to have fun and challenge myself in this hobby.... but my game is close to the same in all of them......I go to find the right girl that meets my expectations such as convo, looks, persanlity, hustle and so on. I will not spend until I have fount my new challenge ! Once I have found me lady I will spend some time getting to know her over several visits....then as I build up to it I will begin to increase contact at the tablle(eyes and physical) to get her subconcious kool with having sex with me.... I will do this over several visits.....then I will begin to buy dances from her but I will tell her how I don't want it fast I want it slow and sensual....I tell her to ride me the whole time and to kiss on my neck and I hers....(I do this so I can start to show her I will handel her when I get the chance to make love to her) I will do this over a few visits....then I will move us to the next stage such ass french kissing, holding of hands, cuddling, massages(shoulders,back,hands and feet) and so on......I will build up the sex with convo and touching the whole time....tease her with almost touching her breast, ass and pussy......make love to her whole body with your hands and mouth way before your dick.....learn about her so you can mind fuck her...get deep into her mind and body.....then when you can't stand it no more and she can't either then do the otc hotel fuck !....remember making love to a women starts at the first hello the first playful glance....enjoy the process and savor the women that you will conqur !...........................good luck and club on your boy juice !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Or just do as some may do and just sraight up ask can I fuck you for $250 ?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    And yes man going out for drinks at a civi bar or dinner is cool man ! I do this with escorts 2 get to know them before sex......its always a good thang.......hell I took one girl to the movies and got a bj in the back like I was a teen again lol ! Relax and have fun man !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Yes and keep us up dated man.....and keep askingi questions either in threads like this one or pm ing your fav guy ! Its the best and only way to learn ! We all fall as we learn how to walk bro ! Faller is nothin more than the early signs of sucess ! Keep on keeping on !
  • GCMan
    12 years ago
    Dude dont be a fool. Give her the $$$ have a good time and you will have a sure thing at the end of your date. They all have a different game but these girls don't see customers OTC for fun. It's for the cash. They know what's up when they decide to meet you OTC.
  • scguru
    12 years ago
    Thanks guys! Juice, she already lets me do whatever I want ITC but I haven't really asked for anything so you may be onto something there. I don't know if I really want to put in that much effort - its pretty well been established that she is cool with hanging out with me OTC, I just want to clairify what her expectations are. To be honest if she wants like $500 Ill prolly just pass and move onto another one.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    kool man and good luck : ) just go for it bro !
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I agree with GCman. These chicks know the game better than most customers - it's there job/career. Be very very careful of thinking that your dealing with your average chick (i.e. civilian). These girls probably get proposed/hit-on on a daily basis. Be very very careful of thinking this may be some kind of relationship other than a business transaction. I am not saying one cannot hook up with a dancer and have a relatively good thing - but this is more the exception than the norm. Buyer Be Ware!
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    What the hell are you idiots thinking about here? This is a stripper-customer interaction. It is, and always will be, all about the money. Ask her if she fucks OTC for cash. The answer will be either yes or no. If yes, start bargaining.
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