clubs in kansas and oklahoma

avatar for gator469
Will be making a trip down through kansas and oklahoma would like reccomondations for clubs with beautiful girls and two way contact dances


avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
For Kansas, I'd recommend Paradise Saloon, northeast of Lawrence. Or Bonita Flats, southeast of Olathe. The End Zone has pasties and is near Bonita's; I have been disappointed there, but I think it was a slow night and the other night their lot was full. All of the clubs mentioned require the memberships with the 10-day waiting period, so you should wait to see if there is one guy going in and ask him if he could bring you in as his "guest". Each gets to bring in a single guest for free. The clubs in Topeka used to be much better than they are now as well as the clubs in Kansas City (Missouri law changes).
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
bonita flats is popular because of their cheap dances..not sure on the mileage though.
avatar for joker44
In the wind
14 years ago
@gator - we're assuming UR driving thru eastern KS.

I agree with loneylarry [LL] on Paradise, it's the best bang 4 UR $$. Also in Lawrence area: Outhouse, a byob, if you like an active, frat house atmosphere. Flamingo sounds like it's dying per recent reviews. AllStars is variable but offers good [sometimes] mileage.

I defer to LL on Bonita, never have been tempted to go there. Avoid Whispers at all cost.

Don't write off KCMO despite new law. Call to make sure club is still open; Totally Nude [not anymore] Temptations & Bazookas, both in downtown KCMO, still are. Most MO clubs wanting to stay open are trying to avoid any bad press while new law appeal in courts but KS legislature has similar legislation moving toward passage. So KS clubs can't afford any incident that could boost chance of passage.

Temptations used to be the "go to" for limited extras, which made up for its many negatives -- club atmosphere, frequent dancer drama & altered states, and variable attractiveness. Days had less VIP oversight than evenings. Since new law there's been a mass exodus of old favs. Dancers now are very new [< 1 yr] and atmosphere among them seems tense. VIP mileage is extremely variable. My advice: try it if you've got the time and $$ but be prepared to cut your losses and bail early to go somewhere else.

Bazookas [a few blocks from TNT] has had the most consistently attractive dancers and the club is the most upscale of those mentioned. A juice bar but with a very nice bar and restaurant next door. They've adapted well to new limitations with dancers doing their best to please customers. See my reviews for details. Don't expect 2-way during regular LD ["couch dances"]. VIP [expensive @ $200 / 30min; ceiling mounted cameras] offers 2-way and, depending on day & time, may offer topless. Weekday evenings and, perhaps, day shift offers less oversight. Dancers who want to test limits will know how to position themselves to block camera view. Don't expect extras.

avatar for glen_livet
14 years ago
10 day waiting period? Seriously?
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