
A rookie question.

Thursday, December 2, 2010 11:04 PM
In your experience are lap dances better at the begining of a dancers shift or during the night? ill hop over to the club around noon when some girls are just getting there.. should i be expecting much in your guys opinion, is it better to get there before they are in prime money mode (are they always in money mode, or do they just not care at 12noon to do their best?) or would i be getting more if i went at night, does it even matter? I prefer to go in the day but i don't want to be wasting hundreds of dollars in the day when i can get more at night..


  • Superman69
    14 years ago
    No diff. Actually, I think I've found that day shift girls work a little harder than the night shift girls. But, night shift girls tend to be hotter. I think the club and the girl will be more a factor than time of day.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    There are probably as many opinions, with the experience to back them up, on this subject as there are posters on this board. My opinion is that it depends on what your looking for. IME, the dancers are fresher, cleaner (i.e. not so stinky pinkie) and more energetic when they start, irrespective of what time that is, so for lap dances or ITC playtime, earlier is better, though the latter may be more expensive than it would be later. When I'm looking for simple lap dances, which aren't normally my primary goal, girls that are coming on shift are my first choice. Girls going off shift not having made as much as they think they need may be more amenable to extra activity to make up the slack, or even hooking up OTC. The downside is, of course, that they may be tired, and not perform to your satisfaction. As always, though, YMMV significantly; there's been enough variation in my own experience that these observations are only general and shouldn't be construed as the rule. Depends on the girl and the club.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I say the lap dances are better at the beginning before her body is sweaty, smelly, sore and covered in a layer of man juice.
    14 years ago
    Welcome back, Gator.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Depends on what you're looking for. I usually like nightshift girls when they first get there, are fresh and clean and still in a good mood, and haven't gotten too into working the room and keeping tabs on everyone else. Day girls usually work harder for your money - whether that's more mileage, or just hanging out longer, being pleasant, and making you feel at home. Some girls get desperate (and drunk) as closing time or shift change approaches. This is when I've had the most straight up offers. Just before the end of the night once at a big club I had 3 girls in a row plop into my lap, slide their hand inside my pants and grab my dick - more action than a single dance from any of them, and for free. 2 out of 3 were noticeably drunker than they had been earlier. Anyway it's a mixed bag.
  • DougS
    14 years ago
    I prefer the girls just starting their shift; preferably a girl that has yet to dance for a guy on her shift. It's more of a cleanliness / germophobe perspective. I don't want to even consider that there is saliva (or worse) on her from a previous customer. I don't want to lick a nipple that might have already been licked by some scaggy guy...
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    I like GMD's answer. Basically, it depends?!?! My experience also is that day shift girls generally work harder for their money and often that translates into more mileage. But, sometimes the nights are full of stars. Once a really hot night shift dancer approached me just before closing and offered through the roof mileage for a bargain price. Turns out she had been drinking with a regular all night and hadn't made enough to tip out. Take your chances, learn the routine at your local club, have fun.
  • mikayla
    14 years ago
    day or nite dosent matter. are you kind and respectfull?.. that matters.
  • scatterbrain
    14 years ago
    I tend to agree with Gatorfan and DougS, get them on their first set of dances and ruin it for the rest.
  • xxxnycexecparty
    14 years ago
    Its really quite simple. Its when the place is not busy. Good luck. [view link]
  • runnoft
    14 years ago
    Day or night does matter. I have found that mileage is always better on the day shift.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I tend to agree with runnoft above. My guess as to why, fewer customers and in general, dancers make less money, so the competition for your $ is more intense. I met my ATF in the afternoon and my "now" favorite was also in the afternoon.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    runnoft: You're going to the wrong places, then. :)
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