Someone mentioned in another thread that they had to educate the girls about things like "takeout". What acronyms or phrases do you use to convey your intentions?
i dont use acronyms, i let her hint and mention if she does xtras. i got one hint the other week, the dancer ask me if i wanted a dance and then stated that she feels sorry for my boxers. others i have heard from dancers... you wont regret my vip dance. had others strait up tell me ... i wanna make you nut.
ones i have used as the dancer smokes my blunt or a ciggarette i tell her she looks sexii with her lips wrapped around it and i wish it was me
I've never had anyone misunderstand what I meant when I say "takeout", and I've used that one a fair bit. "What can I get away with" is another one. I haven't yet had a need to resort to anything much more euphemistic than those.
last commentones i have used as the dancer smokes my blunt or a ciggarette i tell her she looks sexii with her lips wrapped around it and i wish it was me
Works every time...