Dancer: "You like 'em young, don't you?â€

Dancer mentions it was her birthday last week. I make some joking comment about how now she can legally drink (implying she's 21). She scoffs at that and tells me she's 28. Then she gets this stricken look on her face.
Her: I shouldn't have told you that, right? Me: What do you mean? Her: You like 'em young, don't you?
So, how would you answer?
last commentJust as we have to wade through puddles of stripper shit, there are times when customer shit is in order. It doesn't matter what you really want to say to her question. Tell her what you know she wants to hear.
Just as there is only one answer to the question:
"Honey, do these jeans make me look fat?"
There is only one possible answer to this dancer's question. Surely you know enough to give this answer:
"You are the perfect age for me. You have the body of an 18 year old and your age and life experience has given your lovely face the intrigue, mystery, and wisdom that attracts me most powerfully"
How is that for customer shit?
There is only one answer to this dancer's question. Surely you kn
farmerart hit that one square on the head.
Damn, Farmerart. That's perfect, and really, it hits the nail on the head as to an honest and tactful response I'd want to share - either for age or for jeans.
Did you just make that up, or did you find that in some book or online source for perfect answers to tough questions?
Young, and/or full of energy!
Try this one on. "your kids MUST be adopted, etc".
well ages can be deceiving. i've seen 30yr olds who looked barely legal and 21yr olds who looked like mid-30s.
My ATF was 20 when we met. She doesn't drink, so her age wasn't a concern as far as that.
answer this way..."I like all kinds, sweetie, and age ain't nothing but a number..."
farmerart, I feel like I have to take a shower after that line. Well played. ;-)
As for me, i can just be honest -- my tastes are so diverse, even I can't pin them down. My first ATF was 38, my last was 22, my most recent fave (but not necessarily ATF) is 22, and I'd give my left nut to see judyjudy in person.
No offense, farmerart, but that's a little too florid for me. If I were a stripper, I would think you were putting me on.
I kind of like imnumnutz -- short and sweet. Or, you can say, "No, I like 'em lookin' like you!"
OK, that sounds like customer shit, too.
LeeH; sygsyg: Even though we know stripper shit IS shit, we often will succumb. The same for strippers. Even though the girls probably see straight through our customer shit or may even break out in laughter they will also often succumb to a silver-tongued road warrior. Nothing can ever be lost in the attempt and, personally, I find it kind of funky to mess with a dancer's head if I can get away with it.
Oh, definitely, farmerart. Well-done SS is as good for the ego as the truth. ;-)
nice answer. I think mine may be a bit more like,
"To be honest I never even thought about what age you were, just how Damn sexy your body u are and how hot I felt. But now that you mention it your body is like a 20 year old Jennifer Lopez, your face looks barely old enough to buy liquor, but you seem like such a strong woman that I would have to guess at least mid to late twenties because usually you don't grow that much as a person overnight."
oops, I meant above----
"To be honest I never even thought about what age you were, just how Damn sexy you are and how hot you make me feel.. But now that you mention it your body is like a 20 year old Jennifer Lopez, your face looks barely old enough to buy liquor, but you seem like such a strong woman that I would have to guess at least mid to late twenties because usually you don't grow that much as a person overnight."