
Length of reviews

Atlanta suburb
Apparently TUSCL now has length requirements for reviews. I just tried to submit a review. It was short because it was a shitty club and not much else to say.Then a warning box popped up.

"Your review is probably too short to be accepted and published on the Ultimate Strip Club List". Then you have a choice, click OK to submit or Cancel to add more to the review. I added a couple of more useless lines and it was accepted.

I agree that some reviews should not be accepted but being brief is also sometimes all that is needed to describe a club. Any one know what the new limits are?


  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    The length requirements have been there for awhile. I've received the warning at least once.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I've seen it before, but if you write at least a paragraph is sufficient.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i got that message or something similar when i went to post my 2nd or 3rd review not long after i joined tuscl.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I'll probably get frustrated if they put in a character limit for the length of review. I seem to add a number of details. Sometimes I wonder if I put too much detail in.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    I think it's always been there SC. Sme thing hapened to me years ago.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Describing "bad" is just as important to your fellow TUSCLers. Remember, what you, me or anyone might consider bad, others may enjoy. Example, just the other day someone was looking for a "BBW" club. I didn't even know that bbw is a synonym for cow, but some like that, it seems.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Just because it pops up the nag screen doesn't mean you have to add to it. I've had a couple very short It-sucks-I-left-immediately reviews and they were accepted w/o padding the character count.
  • Otto22
    14 years ago
    It's not the length or brevity of reviews that bothers me. We see many reviews that go on and on about the club,its amenities and the cocktail waitresses but admit they never got any LDs. For me these "reviews" are virtually worthless. Unless a club is so disgusting that one must flee, I want to know what goes on the VIP or lap dance area. If we are going to accept reviews that have nothing to do with the point of strip clubs we might as well accept reviews of the local Hooters.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Otto, I think that different things matter more to different people, so I'm not sure that it is fair to judge a review simply by what it says about the LD area. Some guys prefer hot girls to mid-tier, others like upscale clubs more than downmarket ones, etc. There are likely all types of reviewers and readers on here, so what one person may find as pointless another might find very germane.

    My pet peeve are those reviews that are obviously non-reviews, meaning that it is very possible that the person never went to the club. Some of the reviews are pure crap altogether, giving virtually no info. of any type. "It was ok" or "the girls were alright" etc. Reading through that crap is a few seconds of my life I'll never get back.

    Personally I am not so interested in the lapdance area unless there is ITC sex, but what I am looking for is a good feel for the club and the general ITC/OTC opportunities.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    good to see you find out where candy shop was.

    Sometimes the most useful reviews for me are the short ones.
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