
John Trumbull's painting

Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:14 AM
steve229 has this as his photo. Some interesting facts about the painting itself. 56 men signed the declaration but, only 42 of the signers appear in the painting because the artist wasn't able to obtain likenesses of the other 14. Also, there are several men in the painting, of historical significance, who never signed the document. And lastly, the painting is just wrong. None of these men were in the room at the same time. It was signed over a period of several weeks... Not all in the same day. The founding fathers just weren't in town at the same time. If you're a fan of the American revolutionary period, then rent the mini-series "John Adams", unless you've already done so. It's one of the best mini-series ever made.


  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    The painting is majestic and is the back of the two dollar bill. Usefull for tipping. Seriously, though, even if the painting is not accurate, we are grateful that they got the job done.
  • giveitayank
    14 years ago
    I hope I didn't sound ungrateful. I am grateful for the fact that the founding fathers risked so much so we can enjoy the freedom we have today. If I could go back in time, be invisible, observe a time period in Amercan history... then the revolution would be my first choice. It's where it all began.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    The broadway musical "1776" is an entertaining way to sample some of the struggle and history. The debates over what to do in the crisis, sue for peace or declare independence, how to support the troops and Gen. Washington, demand the aboliton of slavery or defer the question and choosing between the turkey or the eagle as the national bird are all told through song.
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