Signing In
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Anybody ever been to a club where you have to sign in in at the door? What is the point of a club needing your name?
Anybody ever been to a club where you have to sign in in at the door? What is the point of a club needing your name?
last commentYes. There is a club near Dayton, OH that used to be a "members only" club, and required you to pay a $10 membership fee and sign in. I think their lawyer must have had some legal theory about that.
There are clubs that scan driver's licenses or copy the info in order to process a "membership". I've seen plenty of them (in some states they are common). It really, really depends on my mood but more than one club I've just simply walked away from since there was no way I was leaving my personal information there. Some places have been known to run quick checks on people, but it's also a deterrent for bad behavior since there's more stuff left behind if things go bad.
It's also a way just to simply keep people out. Some of the clubs have a members only policy where an existing member has to vouch for you. So that means you're either a local, or someone on staff green lights you. I've even had a regular hanging out in the hallway give the ok in some places when the door girl was being "difficult". Bazz and Crue in Shitsville, MD is the only club I ever wanted to walk into where I couldn't talk my way in. Manager had a real stick up his ass, so there was no way I was going to reach in my pocket to negotiate for a club I knew was lousy just from seeing it as people walked in and out (don't let all those shill reviews fool you).
Then of course there are clubs that make you sign in but don't care what you sign. You can be whoever you want so long as you pay the cover...
Nepals in Greenville SC you always have to sign in. I don't know what they do with that information if they do anything. Membership is required. If they aren't keeping people out with that, maybe someone thought it was more upscale. I always thought it was a waste of time but if they want me to scribble my name down in a few seconds, I can.
Sometimes I'll just pay a little extra if I have to to keep my info from being written down, but once the out of town license shows up sometimes it just takes a friendly request. I've also done the "never mind about the membership, just give me my info back" after seeing the club wasn't worth staying in. Had one guy get really offended and ranted at me about not trusting him. I just quietly stood there until he gave me my info. That was a club with the stage surfaced in what looked like bathroom tile.
harrydave I am guessing you are talking about Diamond's Cabaret or maybe Baby Dolls. I visited Diamond's Cabaret after thisoldmanplayed1 wrote a review on it giving it a 10 a few years ago...I think it has either gone downhill or is a bit overrated.
Also a club in Columbus, Vanity requires you to hand over your license and they scan it into their system. Maybe Vanity and Diamond's does this membership bullshit to appear more upscale. I hate having to wait in line at the door for 5-10 minutes waiting behind drunks filing out the membership paperwork.
I think it is something BYOB nude clubs do, but not all of them do it because I know another byob nude club in columbus (Private Dancer) and they simply just charge a $10 cover
It has happened to me only once. It was at a club that is now out of business and it falls in the category of worst club I have ever been to. I signed in but did not have to show an ID. I of course used a phony name. I then got patted down by the door girl.
In thinking about it. I think that it was just to protect the club from LE, if any thing happened.
I've seen a few clubs that want you to sign in if you have a free pass- just use a pseudonymn.
As for other circumstances: There are 2 non- negotiable items for my club visits:1)Clubs that want to scan my drivers license, or 2) mandatory valet park, hand keys of personal car ( rental car excepted from rule) over to valet= No club patronage from me.
Fantasia in Huntsville makes you sign a numbered list while paying the $5 cover. They don't care whose name you use. There are a lot of "Bill Clinton's" on the list. I'm not positive but I think the list is for the owner to check the number of customers through the door so the help won't skim the cover charges. System is obviously flawed, but probably keeps him from losing more cover charges than he might otherwise. He also has a numbered ticket system for the private dances. Dancers cash in their half of ticket at the end of the night and he can check on his cut by the number of tickets they turn in.
They call me Bill Clinton for all the head I got.
If the strippers won't give out their real names, then customers should not have to as well.
There used to be a club down in Lincoln which scanned your license before you were let in. I think it was to make sure you weren't a cop. They eventually got busted by the police.
Don't know the point, but I've seen it, more often a few years ago than recently. Even if they ask to see your ID, they never compare it with the name you sign. Last summer I was at a place in the middle of nowhere and had to ring a bell and surrender my ID through a little slot before they would even open the door. In hindsight, I should have bolted, and I would have if I had known how lousy the place was.
Nope, I wouldn't go in a place like that
Yes, once, and I turned and walked away. BTW, the club is since gone.
Not sure what good scanning a license does to avoid cops. After, the cops work for the guys issuing the licenses. It's not like they couldn't get a perfectly valid fake.
Fantasy Island in S.C. requires you to sign but they don't check ID's so just use a pseudonym. Anywhere that wants to copy my DL or something will not get my money.
Yeah about the copying license at Vanity...they ask to see it so I gave it to them thinking they were just checking ID, and then she turns around and puts it on a scanner. Kind of a little late to stop her without causing a scene.
This is also the club that gives out $2 bills for change and the door girl will ask you for tips. They probably did not get their liquor license because of their bullshit. They also are "optional nude" which means it is topless unless a dancer wants to show you the kitty. And it seems like the house rule is only in the VIP is full nude ($150 minimum)
Any place that wants to copy my license is a definite "no go" for me. Asking me to sign in usually gets the obligatory, Bugs Bunny.
Clubs in Salt Lake City require this -- what a surprise.
Proves the bouncer took a look at yer ID. I let 'em SEE it but never PHOTOCOPY it. Some places on Bourbon Street have a "sign in" but you can just write "Donald Duck" in the blank and the girl at the register will give you a friendly chuckle.
Lucky for me my real name IS Donald Duck. :P
Ask for a ID in a club, NO PROBLEM!!!
Ask for one in Arizona, the wrath of the federal government comes down on you!
The Doll House of Columbus used to have a website where you signed up using your name and email address. They put your name on the VIP list and you did not have to pay cover. Not sure if they still do this though because it has gone through several mgmt changes.
By law everyone in New York has to carry ID. For your protection as well as the clubs they scan id's just in case something should happen. It is nice to know that if there was an altercation that at least they can track those who are involved (I guess provided the hasa a security system)
neverenough- I don't see how providing another slice of my personal information scanned into yet another data base can be beneficial to me (my protection?? No thanks- I'd prefer to keep my personal info as personal as possible)
About 9 months ago Platinum Plus started reissuing life time membership cards. They went high tech and now they swipe them just like a credit card. Btw my original was issued at the Memphis Platinum Plus. I had to give them my old card and they gave me an application to fill out. Besides my name, they wanted address, phone number, email address, who was my favorite dancer, bar tender, and drink. What my favorite color was and how big a pussy I like. I gave them my real name but that was all. I refused to answer the rest of the question. No problem. I got the new card. I like it. Now I do not have to sign in.
neverenough: Everyone has to carry ID at all times? So in NY, even if I'm not doing anything that would otherwise require ID, such as driving, you're required to carry it anyway?
One more reason not to move back there.
Every club I visit requires sign in. None have ever asked for ID.