
DJs in the club?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 2:14 PM
Just wondering if DJs have provided value for your strip clubbing experiences? I find it ironic that the number one ranked strip club in the nation right now (Mons Venus) does not even have a DJ. I sometimes think of them as almost annoying as the bathroom trolls.


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    The DJ's at my favorite club are totally obnoxious. They want to be the center of attraction. On Fri & Sat nights they even have 2.The ass holes carry on a never ending conversation. In my opinion, they should spin the songs and introduce the dancers. I have been to clubs, where that is how it works.I have not been to Mon's. Who makes sure the stage/s are filled there?
    15 years ago
    Then there's the DJs at Bogart's. They run a "Christmas in July" raffle giveaway. Between awarding the dancers with free (skimpy) outfits and drawing several times before they find a winner present, it's a bit of a struggle. But they still do their finales...
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Nope, nothing of value.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    I would prefer they do away with the DJ and simply use a jukebox. I think this is what Mons Venus does although it has been many years since my last visit there. I can't see any benefit to the customer by having a DJ. I think the clubs use them to try and increase business by constantly badgering you with their rantings. Also, most clubs with a DJ seem to have the music volume way too loud. Probably makes the DJ think he is doing a better job if the volume is at high levels.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    snowtime, I would agree but it still does not answer the question. Who will be next on stage. Who keeps up with the rotations? In small clubs (6 or less) they can probably work it out. But what if you are dealing with 50 or more girls a day?
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    i don't care about the djs in my favorite club; as long as they provide music for dancers to dance to, it's all right.
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    I don't pay attention to the DJ much. I listen to the music slightly more. My favorites get my attention.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    Well, I used to be one but DJ's are pretty much useless. At mons they have like a house mom who encourages girls to dance onstage but it's mostly voluntary.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    pop, shekitout used to be one too but not at a strip club. Do you remember Mike? Used to be day DJ at PP. He posted on TUSCL on a different name. He was obnoxious too.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I've been to a couple where all the DJ does is pick the music, announce who's dancing and who is next. I don't mind them at those places. But for the most part, if they do more than that, they are annoying. Some of them are all right. The DJ at my #2 club has a few sayings he has ready for any given situation and he's smart enough to not talk over the music, and he'd probably be a good drinking buddy of mine if we ever hung out in public together. But I've been places where the DJ thinks he's the star of the show and I've been to places where they always have to do promos, and both of those are highly annoying. I've been to a couple of places where they essentially have an MC instead of a DJ who basically keeps everything going. You never even see the DJ in those places, or it's a place with a jukebox where the dancers choose the music. But the MC is just as annoying as a DJ would be. Perhaps that should be the real title of that person's job.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I find it a lot easier to remember dancer's names when the DJ keeps announces them. At the jukebox clubs I recognize dancers, but have to keep asking their names. Of course, just calling every dancer "Baby" also works.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I'm going with s229 on this one. Giving out names is the only good thing about them.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Some DJs go past annoying and into being flat out insulting. They attempt to insult the customers into spending more which for me had the exact opposite effect. DJs should do only the following: Announce the dancer. Thank the dance. Remind people of the rules. Remind people dancers paycheck and only work for tips. (I wouldn't mind knowing what some of the songs are.) If they want to tell a joke that's OK too I guess.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Danno, the regular day shift DJ at my favorite club even went so far as make a PA announcement "will the dude passing out the candy stop.The girls do not like it". I knew better. I have been giving the girls candy for more years than he has been working there. I stopped the manager, Aljo,and asked him if he wanted me to stop.He said no and immediately went and straightened Danno out.The girls have to pay him $5.00 a shift but they do not like him.I am affectionately known as the candy man.The girls just come over to see whats in the bag this visit.Some need a sugar build up.Some take it home to their kids.I go through 3 bags on a 3 day visit. About $11. Cheaper than buying them drinks. Next month it will be candy canes.
  • Yoda
    15 years ago
    Provide value? Only in the respect that the DJ lets my ATF skip her set when we go into the LD area so that we are not interrupted for an hour or so. Strip club DJ's are traffic cops as much as anything. They get paid to keep the rotations moving and keep the dancers happy. They are not really there for the customer.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    sc, How about strawberry edible boxers or briefs?
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    I don't mind a little cheerful promotion, such as "these beautiful ladies stepping down are available for those up close, private dances..." etc., but I really dispise DJs who think they are funny and must talk. At Scarlett's in Toledo they have 2 for $30 specials with free merchandise thrown in. One time it was a Scarlett's golf towel, whoopee. The DJ announced that if you didn't play golf you could use it to wipe the cum off your girlfriend's face... honestly, just shut up.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Most DJs can be replaced by a good, well programmed sound system that would allow the dancers to pick their music off a menu.
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