How to set up a good OTC relationship with a stripper

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Over the years I have had several OTC relationships with different strippers. Some great some good and some OK. I will not call any of them bad because I had a lot of sex with all of them. I am married so I was looking for some on the side fun and found it in many forms.

When it comes to meeting these girls thd first thing to do is to come with a plan that is more than "I plan to Cum". The best of my relationships were the ones that started slowly. The early days for me were about me getting laid and why it happened often it was only about sex and grew stale quickly.

Plan to spend some time and money before moving on to OTC encounters. Go in pick out a girl you like. Test the waters, buy her a drink or two chat with her. Always find out her schedule so you can go back to see her. Do not be offended if she goes off to see others, it is her job. If she is friendly buy a couple of dances. you have her schedule so you don't need her phone number right away. Tell her you had a good time with her and you may be back. Don't commit to coming back right away. Keep her on her toes as well.

When you come back let her know you came back to see her. You don't have to spend all your time with her but make it the majority of you time. She will probably give you her phone number so you can text her. After leaving text her and tell her you gad a good time.

3rd and 4th visits should include dances as well as doing a room with her. This will give you a chance to assess her willingness to break the rules. Don't forget to text in between visits especially if you enjoy hanging with her. Mortal sin saying I love you to her. She will own you and a lot of your money. She will probably say it to you.

I find that hinting about OTC does not work you will need to be direct with her. If she agrees to it and you want a but more than just sex, take her out for a meal before going to wherever you are going for fun.

Some girls will want to just have sex and send you in your way. Others are willing to spend time and have sex as well. I prefer the girls who are willing to spend time with me as well as getting it on.

In short.

Pick a girl

Spend some time

Spend some money

Be patient,

Make her a friend with benefits

Don't expect anything for free. The girls are not looking for love either.

Have fun


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Good Advice ✔️
Would Luv OTC!
avatar for lampbreaker
a year ago
How to pick the hotel?
avatar for Sammy63
9 months ago
Good article. Thanks.
For a slightly different viewpoint, here is a link to one I wrote a few years ago.…
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