
Unicorn in Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California

Avatar for CJKent_band
CJKent_bandThe truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free

Firiday o had to go to a meeting in Downtown Los Angeles and had the opportunity to drive down Figueroa Street, because the 110-Freeway was like a parking lot.

So I used the Slauson exit, right on Slauson and a quick left to go south on Figueroa Street.

It was around 5:30pm and there was some activity, this time I noticed that there are a lot of churches of different denominations on Figueroa, they outnumber the liquor stores and motels.

At 69th street I saw them, three girls definitely two sevens and one eight, in tiny bikinis and high heels walking together on the right hand side of Figueroa, a dark chocolate African American girl, a brown sugar mixed, and a white brunette.

They looked like girls in their twenties you would see at some beaches.

I continued driving and saw a couple of older overweight girls just walking in underwear, lingerie, and sandals.

But then again a young looking maybe 19 or 20yo African American girl very slender and with long hair in a ponytail walking on the right hand side, wearing the booty short tank top and heels definitely a seven/eight.

When I got to 83rd, I noticed the Motel in the southwest corner and just down south from there saw three more ladies, Latinas real eights in my opinion, with very short one piece tight dresses like college girls going to a club.

Two were very light brown and one white skinned who reminded me of Sofia Vergara, because she had very nice, large breasts, the kind that open doors.

Saw a couple of more young looking African American girls on the left side of the street around 92nd

But the real unicorn was on the left side of Figueroa on the middle on 104th street a model quality nine in my humble opinion.

For a moment I thought they have to be filming a commercial or a movie or something.

She was wearing black semi wet-look skinny pants with heels and a black tank top and a short Afro haircut.

It made me think of a early twenties Halle Berry, whit curves in all the right places, and just beautiful, posing ,standing there.

I almost turned around, but I knew I would be seeing my ATF soon enough so I had to let the opportunity go.

It is true there are unicorns 🦄 out there.

This is a picture of a girl with an outfit similar to what the unicorn was wearing, but she was way more beautiful, like I said a real nine anywhere in the world.


I didn’t see any police cars, and I know there is less law enforcement, allowing better quality girls work in Figueroa as a side gig to make ends meet.

The girls seem that they’re are not being bothered/hassled by the police, and seem to be in a very relax environment.

This to me seems to be a good alternative to those that want full service extras and can’t get them at the strip clubs.

Just be careful and aware of your rights. If a police stop you immediately say you wish to remain silent and ask for a lawyer immediately.

Do not give any explanations or excuses.

Do not say anything more without your lawyer being present.

Most likely they will let you go with a warning, because they know they won’t be able to prosecute and they will be liable for false arrest.


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Avatar for Jascoi

i’ve driven down the street too… Most of the girls I find NOT appealing. and most definitely I was out of my comfort zone for this type of activity.

Avatar for CJKent_band


Unicorns do exist in Figueroa Street.

However you need to go without any expectations.

The times I have seen some nice girls, seven and up in my humble opinion, was in the afternoon when there was plenty of light and civilians around.

The girls I saw looked like they were freshly showered, maybe at the beginning of their work day.

This is a picture of a girl at night, but I would never venture there at night…


Also it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time, because luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it…

Avatar for Nixur68

Wow, this stuff is still around LA? Goddamn. I thought the times had changed. And if I am thinking of the right area North LA is not a great area either.

Avatar for Array

Give me those directions again, please. Was that the Slauson Cut-off? Did you cut off your slauson?

Avatar for TheeOSU

Lol, cj doesn't have a slauson, that's why he collects pics of other guy's slausons!

Avatar for CJKent_band


Remember children

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser”

~ Socrates


Avatar for TheeOSU

What debate?

When the truth is exposed cj deflects with nonsensical posts that deny facts.

Thee OSU


Avatar for Nixur68

Jesus goddamn, there's a bunch of videos on YouTube that document all of this kind of stuff and goddamn it is not what you want. This stuff is freaking sad, these people need help and as someone from LA this is not a good part of the city. Avoid.

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