
Covid Kansas

Avatar for willnicolas77

It was July 12, and I found myself in Topeka with several hours to burn midday. Topeka and Lawerence have several clubs that are open at 11am. Some even serve a half way decent lunch. This area is 4 hour drive for me. But then, the closest clubs are at least an hour drive, and the only ones worth a visit are further.

 So I was pumped up!  I planned to start at Baby Dolls in Topeka, then maybe the cabaret.   I've never been to Baby Dolls, and the Cabaret has been a perpetual disappointment.   The Sasnak is closed, the one club I could count on getting laid.  So, noon, and I'm at Baby Dolls.  Doors are locked.  There are a few cars in the lot with people waiting, so I settle in for a few minutes.  Checking Facebook,  I notice that the Flamingo in Lawrence is closed.  I'm starting to get some bad vibes.  So I take off for the Cabaret,  closed.  There is a note on the door.  Closed until further notice due to covid 19.  This freaking scamdemic has ruined my day.  Just in case, I go back to Baby Dolls.  Closed.  Nothing on the website, no notice either.  
 There's still one option!  The Paradise Saloon isn't in the city limits, but out in the country north of Lawrence.  I cool my jets and hammer down.  It's already one pm when I get on the turnpike.  I take the first Lawrence exit thinking I can just drive north on the gravel and reach Kansas 24, then go east until I get there.  I've never been in the Saloon due to their stupid license wait and check policy, but that has changed.  I'm getting excitable thinking of used up milfs who might be just bored enough to ply with booze and run the bases.  Gravel leads me to a scenic drive along the river just in time for me to realize how stupid I've been.  I have to cross the river.  Damn.  Long story short, by 2pm I'm walking up the steps to the Paradise.  And, awesome, it's open!  I've got a wad of cash and a hard one when the attractive big naturals bartender opens the window.  She says, I'm really sorry.  None of the girls showed up.  One called in sick, and the other had to pick up her kids from school.  What a letdown. 
 What's a guy to do?  Whole state's populated counties are shut down due to covid 19.  So I drive back to Nebraska via Council Bluffs to my favorite hole, Lipstix.  Drank a few beers and got a decent set of 4 from a flat chested nut very sensual emo blonde.  She's a regular sort of, well at least she remembers me enough to know I tip well, especially for her hands.  Since I've wasted a whole afternoon and have nothing really to do, I head home.  
 Now, October first, and the covid insanity is still in force.  The governor opened the state and even the Walmart greeters have given up with mask warnings.  All for what?  It looks to me to be political with only democratic states still locking down.  This will end November 4th. I hope we all have learned a lesson.  No refrigeration trailers full of bodies,  nobody really dying from the disease itself, just those with certain conditions that make sickness more likely.  Clubs, bars, restaurants and many small businesses may never reopen.   And a return trip to Lawrence or Topeka may not happen for some time because I work full time and don't often have meetings in Kansas.  
 Depressing to say the least.  And I don't know about any of you, for me, I'll remain skeptical when "science" suggests I trust its mouth pieces.  It was just a ruined trip for me.  But I have to wonder how many clubs in that area, clubs that are awfully fun, will permanently close.  I'm not very political, but I know where my vote will be in November. 


Avatar for Member6532

If it makes you feel better since opening, baby dolls was going air dances only, Paradise was super disappointing when i went and Flamingo has been disappointinh for years.

Avatar for willnicolas77

I've been to the flamingo only once. And it was one of the best visits to a club I've ever had. But that was 6 years ago. It sucks to live in an area so far from any clubs.

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