
Clubs in Asis

Remember that this is a work of fiction. It is about someone that might have some first hand knowledge that about how the other side of the world works.

My job requires a good bit of travel. With that, I have frequented clubs all over the country. The mileage in these clubs vary greatly. The state and local laws greatly a"ect what can be done by whom. This is especially true if alcohol is served.

Richmond, VA is a no touch place if there is beer involved, but no beer in the club and things get a li&le looser. Other places like Inkster, MI or Memphis, TN, touching is encouraged regardless of the alcohol content of the club. Then there are the weird places like most of Pennsylvania that allow BYOB so there is beer and there is plenty of action as there is no liquor license involved.

All that being said, other countries in the world are not the same as the US. One state di"erent than the US is Asia. In partiular, South Korea and mainland China are similar to each other in their clubs but both are drastically different than the US.

1. Neither country offers any type of place where you can go to see ladies on a stage and then throw dollars at them. This is not how it is done in these countries. Both of these countries instead o"er karaoke bars also referred to as KTV
bars. It is highly recommended to have a local who speaks the language with you at these places. There are a lot of ways that you can spend a LOT of money without knowing if you do not know what you are doing. Also, it is important that you have group of 3 or more to make the experience be&er.

2. For KTV or Karaoke, the local person in your group should do a lot of the arranging. Sometimes, they will need to call and reserve the room. Somemes there is a desk in the front of the establishment where a host or hostess will direct you to your room.

3. You head the assigned room that has a co"ee table, couches on three sides of the table and a large screen on the wall. You sit down and the “waiter” will take the order from the local. Then the Madame will bring in a lineup of about 10 girls. You then get to select the one you like. If you do not like any of them, you can ask them to bring in another lineup. You can ask for them to separate the English speaking ones.

4. Your girl will sit by you. Usually she is wearing a tight skirt and a bikini type bra of some sort. She will open beers for you. Build you a plate of food of whatever is ordered and if you need leave the room for any reason, she will come with you. In China, they stay clothed. In Korea, they typically strip down to nothing and put on a robe that is hanging in the corner.

5. It is now time to drink. There is beer and usually, they will order some type of Asian whiskey. Be prepared to drink a lot.

6. While drinking, you are supposed to sing. It is karaoke. The words will be on the screen and usually your girl will sing with you. The girl will always allow some amount of touching, but they tend to start giggling if you get too personal.

7. In Korea, the ones that get in the robes allow full wandering. There is also a good chance that she will get out your junk, so be prepared.

8. After much drinking and grabbing and singing, it is time to go home. The local then pays the bill. You will obviously need to pay your local if you are splittng the bill. You can also negotiate to take your girl back to your hotel. Usually about $150 American plus cab fare to and from the establishment.

The experience is fun and worth doing at least once. However, the whisky and beer can get expensive. Good luck.

1 comment

  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I've always been intrigued by these bars where the girls are Hostesses over in Asia, but I only knew about the industry in Japan. I didn't know it was present in China and Korea as well. (Not that I had a reason to believe it wasn't.) I used to watch interviews of girls who worked at the karaoke bars and hostess clubs, and the main difference between them and strip clubs is that, well... it is strictly socializing, singing, and drinking with a pretty girl. No touching, dancing, or sexual activity of any kind. It's just as expensive if not more so than going to a strip club, but this is a big norm over there. I remember one or two girls saying that if they were comfortable enough, they'd go home with a client after work if they were asked.

    Now the robe girls in Korea... that's a new one for me. Intriguing to learn about for sure and I just might look into learning further about it when I catch the time.
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Incoherent Random emojis are annoying
You need to edit, check spellin/typos in places. I don't think Asis is a continent.
Some typos need fixing, but good information.

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