
Music At The Club

Music is the Language we can all understand but at the Club does it all translate into a Great Stage Show or Private Show? The art of Dancing has been around for Centuries as has the art of Adult Entertainment through Dance. In order to dance music is key.

What makes a good song at the Club to dance to? What makes a good song for a dancer to perform at during a party? Most of the time the dancer will pick modern music with a good beat. Back in the time when I first started going I was hooked with the first song I walked in on and that was The Cult "Fire Woman". I love a good 80's Hair Band Rock Song at the Club but I also don't have issue with some of today's music like Arianna Grande.

As I have talked about in the past one of the clubs I attended had a Jukebox and a lot of the music there would be Rock, Heavy Metal, and Country. When I first met my Best Friend of 15 years she would dance to songs like Nelly but she also was very BIG into Techno Music with a very cool light show. I think the music depends on the Clientele to a point but I also think the girls have a good mix of variety.

My current club plays a lot of Hip Hop which translates well if you have the right dancer. A couple of girls at the club will kick up their heels and Two Step with Country and others enjoy Rock. My Favorite Girl Now does a lot of Hip Hop / R&B but she could dance to the Phone Book and make it good. She may be the BEST I have EVER Seen Dance. Definitely one if not the most beautiful.

I don't really think the music matters as long as the girl is a good dancer / performer. I see some of the reviews complain about the music and I often thought what different does it really make if the girls look amazing dancing to it. It's not like you're going out to buy the CD. Though I will admit some of the music I've heard at the club I've come home to download especially some of the Techno music.

I love Music and I think as long as it's not Lawrence Welk and the Orchestra most of it translates. I know you can't have Patsy Cline singing about Your Cheatin Heart Will Tell On You but I think you know what I mean. Give me that AC/DC Back in Black anytime and I may just start rockin out.


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