Music At The Club
What makes a good song at the Club to dance to? What makes a good song for a dancer to perform at during a party? Most of the time the dancer will pick modern music with a good beat. Back in the time when I first started going I was hooked with the first song I walked in on and that was The Cult "Fire Woman". I love a good 80's Hair Band Rock Song at the Club but I also don't have issue with some of today's music like Arianna Grande.
As I have talked about in the past one of the clubs I attended had a Jukebox and a lot of the music there would be Rock, Heavy Metal, and Country. When I first met my Best Friend of 15 years she would dance to songs like Nelly but she also was very BIG into Techno Music with a very cool light show. I think the music depends on the Clientele to a point but I also think the girls have a good mix of variety.
My current club plays a lot of Hip Hop which translates well if you have the right dancer. A couple of girls at the club will kick up their heels and Two Step with Country and others enjoy Rock. My Favorite Girl Now does a lot of Hip Hop / R&B but she could dance to the Phone Book and make it good. She may be the BEST I have EVER Seen Dance. Definitely one if not the most beautiful.
I don't really think the music matters as long as the girl is a good dancer / performer. I see some of the reviews complain about the music and I often thought what different does it really make if the girls look amazing dancing to it. It's not like you're going out to buy the CD. Though I will admit some of the music I've heard at the club I've come home to download especially some of the Techno music.
I love Music and I think as long as it's not Lawrence Welk and the Orchestra most of it translates. I know you can't have Patsy Cline singing about Your Cheatin Heart Will Tell On You but I think you know what I mean. Give me that AC/DC Back in Black anytime and I may just start rockin out.
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